In the beginning, Imgflip was shapeless and empty, and darkness ran over the streams. And Dylan Wenzlau purchased the web domain and said, “Let there be light.” and there was light. Dylan saw that it was good, and separated the light from the darkness. And evening came, and morning came, the first day.
And Dylan said, “Let there be different streams upon this site, so that every user can have a stream of their own.” So Dylan made the first stream of a general type of meme-making. Dylan called the first stream, “fun”, and Dylan saw that it was good. And evening came, and morning came, the second day.
And Dylan said, “Let the users have an ability to create charts and GIFs on this site as well.” And it was so, and Dylan saw that it was good. And evening came, and morning came, the third day.
And Dylan said, “Let there be streams as well where users may discuss other interests.” And so he created them. Dylan called them, “gaming”, “cats”, and “sports”. And Dylan said, “Let users be able to create their own streams.”And it was so. And Dylan saw that they were good. And evening came, and morning came, the fourth day.
And Dylan said, “Let the fun stream teem with posts, and let comments fly in these posts so that users may share their opinions.” And it was so, and Dylan saw that it was good. And Dylan said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the streams, and let the comments increase on the posts.” And evening came, and morning came, the fifth day.
And Dylan said, “Let us make userkind in our likeness, so they may rule over the posts in the streams and the comments on the posts.” So Dylan created userkind in his own image, in the image of Dylan he created them, male and female he created them. And evening came, and morning came, the sixth day.
Dylan looked at all he had created, and he saw it was very good. And so, on the seventh day, he rested, and reaped the cash rewards of his labor.