abra-kadabra, allah-kazam, i now
curse you with this knowledge,
im not f**king sorry; the theory of eternal return is an extension of a widely accepted theory called "the big bounce". the big bounce states the universe starts with the big bang, a large cosmic explosion that creates the first matter alongside the expansion of the universe by the working force of dark matter. eventually these quarks turn into atoms, atoms into molecules, molecules into elements. and so basic compounds like hydrogen are formed. over time stars and such are formed. in the cores of these stars of these stars are metals formed during the fusion process in their furnace. these metals eventually come to form planets and asteroids—but those are insignificant in this theory. as you most likely know, certain stars grow to have a big enough mass that once they collapse in on themselves after the red giant stage, instead of forming a white dwarf or a supernova or a neutron star, they are able to create a small enough concentrated mass to quite literally affect the fourth dimension of existence and bend time. these are generally referred to as black holes. these feed on celestial objects for eternities, growing larger and larger. some ancient black holes grow to become supermassive blackholes. eventually as more blackholes form and less and less "matter" is found in the universe, dark matter and vacuum take reign. called the "cosmic graveyard", this is when even things as prime as molecules become separated by trillions of lightyears with the ever-expanding universe. the stage following the cosmic graveyard is sometimes referred to as the dark era, the point in which the only matter existing in the universe is subatomic hawking radiation. during this stage, many BBHs form and blackholes collide. eventually PBHs are swallowed by supermassive blackholes. at this point, there is absolutely no matter in the universe. as PBHs are devoured, the last working force of the universe, dark matter, disappears. but this is not the curtains being pulled. this initiates a stage of the universe referred to as the "big crunch". as dark matter is no longer existent in the universe, the universe starts collapsing. nothing is pushing outwards and expanding the universe, the universe expands backwards. blackholes one by one are shoved into one another. forced into their event horizons. until after an indescribable amount of time, the universe is now crushing one final black hole—a collection of every last piece of energy locked away in the universe. and so the blackhole collapses, releasing its contents in an event known as the "big bang". the eternal return theory states the circumstances would be the exact same each time this closed timeloop makes a revolution. this theory directly opposes the infinite possibility theory, and suggests all working forces in the universe are driven by predetermination. okay bye sistersss