Relatable. I have a similar story except it's only my gym class, we were playing dodgeball and everyone on my team got out almost instantly, some of them got back in and stuff, but eventually it came down to me and someone I will name Sam for their privacy. Anyways, there were maybe 4 other people on the opposing team and they were all incredibly good at throwing, Sam was good at throwing but whenever he threw a dodgeball it got caught (aka in my school, an out.) So eventually, that happened, and it was only me. So I'm legit just chilling at the back of the gym as a ton of dodgeballs fail to hit me.
Anyways the teacher says since it's taking so long, I'll automatically be out if I don't start moving, so I'm legit running all over the place like I'm the fricking flash. So this guy throws a ball at me, it's headed right toward me and I expect it to hit, so I really just try to dodge, theres a whole bunch of screaming coming from the other side cause THE DODGEBALL NARROWLY MISSED MY SHOULDER. Anyways after that I'm legit hiding and running, kicking a few dodgeballs here and there, but I manage to hold off the enemy until THE END OF GYM.