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RP about Rotisserune, my Deltarune AU! Rules in tags.

RP about Rotisserune, my Deltarune AU! Rules in tags. | You/Your OC is the school bully, and Lian Funnyguy (the shy kid who's too afraid to stand up for himself) arrives a few minutes late. As he sits down, he glances at you nervously. | image tagged in no joke ocs,no op ocs,dont be too harsh to him,knowledge of deltarune recommended | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Lian Render memeCaption this Meme
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
(pisscrew momenr) Sayaka snickers. "Kekeke...someone's a little late, huh? Heh. Nerd."
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(Lian stays silent.)
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Sayaka grins. "Good, you're a quick learner! Now, let's get on to that dumb closet." She shoves her hands into the pockets of her jacket and quickly walks ahead. "Try and keep up!"
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(He slowly follows her.)
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"Damn, here we are. Looks like our fun little journey is over." She smirks as they approach the closet. "Unfortunate, the fun was just starting!"
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(Lian opens the door.)
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"Alright, lemme through. I was the one asked to do this, after all." She shoves past him and walks inside.
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Lian: W-wait-!
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Sayaka turns around and glares. "What?"
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Lian: It's... d-dark in there-!
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"It's a closet, it's gonna be dark." She shakes her head. "I swear, you're making me dumber with every word you say. Now lemme find these stupid markers..."
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Lian: ...U-um... S-Sayaka...?
(He's speaking a bit quieter than normal.)
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"Huh? What's up?" Sayaka looks over at Lian, a bit concerned.
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Lian: I... I know you'll probably say no... but... can I have a hug...? I... I really need one...
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"...Hm, sure. Won't hurt, right? Besides it's not like anyone else will know anyway." Sayaka hugs him. "There ya go."
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(He sounds more calm after the hug.)
Lian: Thanks...
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"No prob." She pats his head. "Now then, back to lookin' for somewhere to go."
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Lian: I think I see something!
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"Oh, really? Where?!" Sayaka looks around.
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(Lian points at a light in the distance.)
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"Ah! There! We should probably go to it." Sayaka has a goofy smile on her face.
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Lian: But... what if it's dangerous...?
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"Meh. We'll be fine." Sayaka pats Lian's shoulder.
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Lian: Alright, if you say so...
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Satori smiles. "I'm so glad you all are willing to help...! And here I was nervous that you wouldn't want to cooperate..."
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Lian: No problem...!
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Lian: I don't... I don't think this is part of the closet.
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"Ah, you're probably right." Sayaka shrugs. "Well, we should probably find out where we are, and how to get back to school. Although skippin out on dumb ol' Lawrence's class doesn't sound that bad, either."
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(Sayaka notices Lian is slightly bleeding.)
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"Oh, oh." She looks away from him for a second. "Looks like ya fell a little harder than I did..."
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Lian: H-huh...? What do you mean...?
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Sayaka gestures to the spot he's bleeding from. "That."
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(Lian looks down at it, and then looks back up at Sayaka, looking slightly nauseous.)
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"Ok, we can fix this. All we have to do, is find someone to help. There's gotta be someone around here somewhere..."
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Lian: O-okay...
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" should go..." Sayaka looks around, for any signs of another living being. "Uhh...hmm..."
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(Lian follows her into the closet.)
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" IS dark in here. Maybe I should find a light switch first..."
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(The door slams itself shut.)
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"HEY!" She runs over to the door and starts pounding on it. "Hey! This isn't funny! Open the damn door right now!"
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(Lian curls up on the floor.)
Lian: I'm... I'm gonna die in here...
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"I'm sure the door'll open soon, lemme just--" She starts kicking the door. "Open up! Holy shit!"
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(The floor starts shaking.)
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"Wh-What the hell?! Is there an earthquake or something?"
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(Lian is having a panic attack.)
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"D-Dude! Shit...what do I do..
." She murmurs, giving up on kicking down the door. "For f**k's sake! I'm sure someone will find us..."
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(The floor disappears, causing Sayaka and Lian to plummet into the darkness.)
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"-!! What the fu-"
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[alright so ik this is where chapter 1 would begin, but chapter 2 is way more developed so it'll be a mishmash between the two chapters]
(Sayaka falls unconscious. When she wakes up, she's on a strange green platform with neon lights. Around it is just a black void.)
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[thats okay !! :D]
Sayaka rubs the back of her head, grumbling. " head...where...?"
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(Lian is nowhere to be seen.)
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Sayaka stands up, her legs shake a bit. "Shit...uh, dude! Lian? You hear me?!"
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(No response...)
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She raises her voice a bit. "Dude! This ain't funny! Show yourself!"
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(He can be faintly heard in the distance.)
Lian: Sayaka?! Wh-where are you?!
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She sees almost relieved to hear his voice. "Oh, I'm on this weird floating green thing."
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Lian: I'm... I'm on one too...!
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"O-Okay, well maybe we're close. Try and, uh, follow my voice...!"
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Lian: I-I'll just call you...!
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"Oh, okay! Makes sense!"
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(Lian tries calling Sayaka. Only garbage noise comes out of his phone. However, it's so loud that Sayaka can hear the direction it's coming from.)
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"Ow! Damn, my ears. Well, at least I know where to go now." She follows the noise, wincing a bit at how loud it is.
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(Eventually, she finds Lian.)
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"Lian! Yo, over here!" She waves her hand to get his attention.
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(He quickly turns around.)
Lian: S-Sayaka!
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She grins. "Yup. The one and only." She looks around. "So, uh, any clue how the people who made the school were able to fit whatever all this is in a closet...?"
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(There's a massive gate, labeled "City Entrance.")
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"There's a whole ass city here? Cool!" Sayaka's goofy smile returns. "Huh, wonder who all's on the other side of that gate..."
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(A mysterious hooded person stands in front of the gate.)
[here comes Satori !! your second character role !!]
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"Oh! Visitors, w-wow!" The hooded figure approaches the two. "It's so wonderful to see some fresh faces-!"
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Lian: U-um... hi...!
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"Hello, hello!" The hooded figure shakes his hand.
"Uhh...hi..." Sayaka raises an eyebrow a bit, suspicious of the new person.
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Lian: Who are you...?
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"Ah! Forgive me, haha! You may call me...Satori! I'm supposed to be some sort of princess, but I-I'm not really that good at my job, I must admit..." She giggles nervously. "I've been waiting for people like y-you two-!"
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Lian: What do you mean, "people like us two?" Are we special or something?
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"Oh! Uhm, y-yes! I probably should have explained that beforehand, um..." She shakes her head. "Forgive me, eheheh..."
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Lian: J-just by a few minutes...!
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"So what? Still late. My point stands. Loser." She tosses a pencil at his head.
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(Lian tries not to look upset.)
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Sayaka holds in her laugh, hiding her smug smirk behind her hand.
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Lawrence (the teacher): Class, I seem to be out of markers. Sayaka, could you fetch me some from the hallway closet?
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"Why me. What could I possibly have to gain? There's more people here, why not ask them." She folds her arms and props her feet up on the desk in front of her.
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Lawrence: You're the least active of this whole class. Plus, everyone else has gone to get them before, except for you.
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"Ugh. Whatever, old man." Sayaka stands up and makes her way to the hall, mumbling to herself. "I hate old people. Can't do anything for themselves. Stupid Lawrence. Stupid markers. Stupid."
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Lawrence: Lian, could you go with her? To make sure she doesn't... run off with them or something.
Lian: S-sure...
(Lian swallows nervously, and follows Sayaka into the hall.)
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"Oh, GREAT. Now I have a twink following me." She groans and turns her attention to him. "I'm going to act like you're not here because I don't need an escort. Don't do anything stupid. Got it?"
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Lian: Uh... could you take off that hood? You're kinda hard to hear...
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"O-Oh, but, uh...I-I'd rather no-" Sayaka cuts her off and strides forward and places her hand on Satori's shoulder. "Ah, lighten up! Don't be a wuss!" Sayaka pulls off Satori's hood.
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Lian: O-oh... that works, I suppose...
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"Uhm...w-well, putting that aside..." Satori looks down. "Would you two l-like to hear...a legend passed down...through generations of my people...?"
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Lian: Why not...?
[also ch1 is more developed now so we can do proper chapters!!]
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"If I remember goes something like this..." She clears her throat. "When all hope seems lost, and the kingdom falls to despair, two humans from the surface will appear. They will join forces with royalty, and their SOUL will seal the darkness...and if they happen to fail, the world will be blanketed in gloom..."
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(Lian listens, mesmerized.)
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Sayaka is silent. She looks flabbergasted. "Uhm...I think that's it. May have missed a few parts..." Satori giggles nervously. "Any questions?"
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Lian: You're saying... the fate of everything rests on us?
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"Uhm...I suppose so..." Satori murmurs, looking to the side. "Damn. We're gonna be famous heroes I guess, that's cool." Sayaka snickers. "Kekeke."
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Lian: Actually... I think I know why we got here in the first place.
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"O-Oh? And why's that?" Satori looks back at him, curious.
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Lian: This is one of the seven Puppet Realms. The Puppeteer opened the path between Earth and this dimension and led me and Sayaka here because we're the humans of legend. ...O-or something.
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Sayaka looks at him with a confused look. "Lian. What the f**k are you talking about."
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(Lian looks embarrassed.)
Lian: N-never mind...
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Satori speaks up. "U-Uhm, anyways, our main goal right now is to seal that new dark fountain that appeared. If there's too many at one time...well, I told you the story..."
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Lian: How far away is it...?
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"W-Well, it's uh, pretty far away...perhaps a few hours?"
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(Lian looks at Sayaka nervously.)
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Sayaka grins. "So by the time we're done with will probably be over for the day. I'm in."
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(Lian starts walking towards it.)
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Sayaka follows him.
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(Upon getting closer, the light turns out to be a doorway.)
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"Oh...a door. Nice. Maybe we won't get locked in this one, heh..." She chuckles a bit.
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(Lian laughs along, sounding slightly nervous.)
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"Okay. I'm gonna open it." Sayaka walks up to the door and tries to open it up.
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(It opens normally.)
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"Nice. Let's go." She walks through the door.
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(Lian follows her, sticking close to her.)
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Sayaka looks around with curiosity.
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Lian Render memeCaption this Meme
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
You/Your OC is the school bully, and Lian Funnyguy (the shy kid who's too afraid to stand up for himself) arrives a few minutes late. As he sits down, he glances at you nervously.