Lmfao. You act like Donald and Melania and Barron sat around the White House packing up their rooms and offices and kitchen and bathroom. Like they sat there with stacks of boxes and rolls of tape and tissue paper and packed up each box, labeled then and then taped them shut. Trump’s packing was done by the General Services Administration, which helps facilitate presidential transitions. The same ones that delivered Biden’s classified docs.
Can also apply to trump.... errbody bein mean to me... it's all fake news... its all a witch hunt... waa waa, whine whine, lie LIE! he, trump, is nothing more than a lying 2 bit con man mob boss. 🍊🤡 🎶"Why's Everybody Always Pickin' on Me?" 🎶 js
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If Trump cured liver disease, you’d complain that he caused all of the dialysis companies to go out of business.
You stop overlooking and ignoring the well documented with evidence of the many crimes thst trump has and still is committing. Now I am done! I will not argue with you or any brainwashed magas. 👋
And, btw, we can agree to disagree. Afterall, that is what you, my son, and both my Daddys fought for. I am proud and grateful that you came back from Afghanistan. Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸
“There doesn’t have to be a process,
as I understand it. . . . If you’re
the President of the United States,
you can declassify just by saying
it’s declassified, even by thinking
about it.”
Donald Trump
Sept. 24, 2022