"in January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Within four weeks a mysterious, and in all likelihood staged, fire broke out in the Reichstag (Congress) Building which the Nazis blamed on Communist agitators as their opening salvo in a violent coup. Using this pretext, the Nazis rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute selected elements of their political adversaries, thus intimidating the balance. They also forced through the Reichstag the Enabling Act of 1933 in March of the same year. This law embedded the Nazis as the sole dominant political party and ensured that only the Nazis could win future elections.
The Democrat party seized upon in all likelihood a setup disturbance at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 to proclaim that it was an “armed insurrection” and the opening salvo in a violent coup attempt by Trump, his supporters and white supremacists. Using this pretext, the Democrats rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute those in attendance in order to intimidate their political enemies. In the footsteps of the Nazi Party, the Democrats immediately pushed to pass the For The People Act, which would have overturned virtually all existing voter laws, embedded the Democrats as the sole dominant political party and ensured that only the Democrats could win future elections. "