Breathing is essential for life, but did you know that it is also crucial for playing Factorio? In this guide, I will show you how and why to breathe correctly when you are building your factory, fighting biters, or optimizing your production. Here are some tips to help you breathe better and enjoy Factorio more.
Breathe deeply and slowly.
This will help you relax and focus on your tasks. Breathing too fast or shallow can make you anxious and stressed, which can affect your decision-making and performance. Try to inhale for four seconds and exhale for six seconds, and repeat this cycle throughout your gameplay.
Breathe through your nose.
This will filter and humidify the air you breathe, which can prevent dryness and irritation in your throat and lungs. Breathing through your mouth can also cause you to lose more water and electrolytes, which can lead to dehydration and fatigue. Keep a bottle of water handy and sip it regularly to stay hydrated.
Breathe with your diaphragm.
This is the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen, and it is the most efficient way to breathe. Breathing with your diaphragm will allow you to use more of your lung capacity and deliver more oxygen to your brain and muscles.
To breathe with your diaphragm, place one hand on your chest and one on your belly. As you inhale, feel your belly expand and your chest stay still. As you exhale, feel your belly contract and your chest stay still.
Breathe in sync with your actions.
This will help you create a rhythm and flow in your gameplay. For example, you can breathe in when you place a conveyor belt, and breathe out when you connect it to a machine. You can also breathe in when you start a research project, and breathe out when you finish it. This will help you feel more satisfied and accomplished with your progress.
Breathe mindfully.
This means paying attention to your breath and how it affects your body and mind. Breathing mindfully can help you calm down when you are facing a challenge or a threat, such as a biter attack or a power outage. It can also help you appreciate the beauty and complexity of your factory and the game world. To breathe mindfully, simply notice the sensations of your breath as it enters and leaves your body, without judging or changing it.
By following these tips, you will be able to breathe correctly when playing Factorio, you will now be able to continue the game without dying. you will feel complete. Now go on! Just breath!