(ok first off, go***mn did u do that art?)
{character info: name: Zel|Age: 10|Catchphrase: 'What the bun?'|Fun Fact: Her stuffy is alive, but only she can talk to it/understand it}
Zel: who are you? how did i get here? where am i?!
*she fumbles, but still catches it. she had to drop her toy on the ground, and she quickly picks it up.* Zel: "1 out of 3... good start. now for the other 2: who are you, and how did i get here?"
MJ: *rolls her eyes* it's not bad if you want your head chopped off and you head used as target practice, and when they get bored of your dead body, they feed it to the dogs
MJ: *slumps over and sighs* look kid, i thought i had thing's "under control" too, until they found me and killed my whole entire family in front of me, they tried to kill me too but i escaped when they were focusing on my family...
zel: "so like, where is the ladder? i wanna make sure my hideout is still safe. its not really the best spot for the hiding part of the hide out. im not really the best at standing my ground over territory fights. i just kinda take whats available, and move when i need to."