Noah meets up with A-80 and A-258. A-258 is screaming like he usually does, and Noah and A-80 have to shout to talk to eachother. "Hey Noah!!! Whats wrong?!!! You look mad!!!" "The others were talking smack about me behind my back!!!!! I came to you guys to help me get revenge!!!!!" "Hey A-258!!! Can you stop?!!!" A-80 shouts. A-258 stops screaming. "Oh, sorry" he said. Then, A-90 appeared. "I want to help you guys" he said. "Ok, who shall we attack first?" Noah asked. "A-221" everyone said. So they planned their move.
The next day...
A-221 was zooming along the rooms. "Vroom vroom I am car" he said, when suddenly A-90 appeared. "What the-" he said, stepping back. A-90 attacked, stunning him. Then A-80 charged into him, and A-258 opened a locker, and he got knocked into it! Now Noah could strike. he attacked so hard that it knocked A-221 out! Then, the four entities heard rumbling. A-35 was approaching. "I'll handle this" A-90 said confidently. But when he appeared, A-35 just said "I'm not falling for your tricks, A-10 told me about you." "We should probably run..." A-80 said. So they did...