Interminable Rooms, which previously was named "A Rooms Fangame," is a game created by zvardinRB on October 29th, 2022. This game takes within an identical office setting where the original Rooms takes place with the inclusion of an unnerving corporeal setting, an arcade-like setting and a futuristic laboratory setting. This game furthers the entity count from its original counterpart, having about 45 new entities (excluding original entities & including three removed entities) that roam each of their own respective sections.
This game includes mechanics that are derived from the original but gives the player the liberty of being able to jump and to go into a third-person perspective. Also provided to the player is the ability to hide under tables and blue lockers which occasionally allow players to hide in them. Another drastic difference between this and the original is that when the player dies, instead of becoming a ghost they'll be brought back to the lobby and will be allowed to head back to where they died if they desire to.
Another evident difference is the ability to use checkpoints that allow players to teleport them to rooms that are multiples of 50 (e.g., 100, 150, 200 . . .) and are unlocked if players manually reach the room without the usage of checkpoints. This can be useful to players who do not wish to walk back to where they died.