Yeah. Geeta’s team should have been Toxic Debris Glimmora lead with Stealth Rocks and Spikes, then most her normal team, just probably replace Veluza, Gogoat, and Avalugg with unused Paldea mons like Pawmot or Palafin. Maybe start with a Palafin, use flip turn, send in glimmora to set up hazards, then send in hero form Palafin. When the hero falls, use revival blessing Pawmot to revive it. Then have two other pokemon do some shenanigans, and end with a Tera Dark or Steel Supreme Overlord Kingambit. I understand having Glimmora as the ace because its the only non-legendary fully evolved Paldea Rock type that isnt Klawf, and Rock is the only type without a major type specialist, but that’s just the dev’s fault for not making better rocks.