A bell rings out in alarm. The Administrator's voice comes over the speakers as a large sign board lights up.]
Administrator: "Intruder alert! A RED Spy is in the base!"
[Camera pans down to show a BLU Soldier reading the sign board.]
Soldier: "A RED Spy is in the base?"
[Soldier grabs his shotgun off a gun rack and runs down the stairs.]
Soldier: "Hut hut hut hut hut."
Administrator: "Protect the briefcase!"
Soldier: "We need to protect the briefcase!"
Scout: "Yo, a little help here?"
[Camera moves to BLU Scout pulling on a door handle. Soldier pushes him out of the way and enters numbers into the keypad.]
Soldier: "Alright, alright, I got it. Stand back son. One, one, one, uhh, one!"
Scout: "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
[A BLU Heavy runs towards them and the door from behind.]
Heavy: "Incoming!"
[Heavy runs into the Scout and Soldier, breaking down the door with Sasha, his minigun. Heavy runs towards the briefcase, knocking Scout and Soldier over in the process. Scout crawls up from the floor, while Heavy lowers his gun.]
Scout: [Screams,]... "Hey, it's still here."
Heavy: [Yells,]... "Alright then."
[Camera pans to behind Heavy. There is a BLU Spy holding a BLU Sniper over his shoulder. The Sniper is dead.]
Spy: "Ahem, gentlemen."
["Meet the Spy" text appears.]