(Barry breaks the window bars) Barry: I’m too big in the window, So I decided to dig a hole….. (They all escape) Ruby: Shhhh… How are we going to get pass the guards?…
Suzy and Wing: 🎶 Yeah, we need, more when, we rock around.
Give in, To me, You need to hear our song!
Give in, To me. Eureka, I have you now, and I move, yeah I rule, and I feel the melody, you better INK!
Suzy: 🎶 I should've took you out, we all will show for the kid, and I showed up now, BANG BANG BANG!
Wing and Suzy: 🎶 Somebody, showed us, you're leaving us, you need to rest, till you need to hear our song!
WaterCat: 🎶 Should we...
FireCat: 🎶 Give up?
EarthCat: Should we have eschewed it from that?
WindCat: 🎶 Oh yeah, I risk it and fueled the melody, you better NOT!
Suzy And Wing: 🎶You will lead the way, We want you now, give in, To me, You need to hear our song! Give in, To me. Eureka, I have you now, and I move, yeah I rule, and I feel the melody….
Suzy and Wing: 🎶 You better NOT, give in, to that, we rock around.
And now, we met, You need to hear our song!
Give in, to me, Eureka, I have you now, and I move, yeah I rule, and I feel the melody, you better INK!