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Gonna add in a decent Roleplay here to this stream doesn’t get stale…. (Istg if this blows up-)

Gonna add in a decent Roleplay here to this stream doesn’t get stale…. (Istg if this blows up-) | It’s been 30 years since you left Joey Drew Studios and your old friend Joey Drew asked you to come back to the studio so he could show you something. Turns out, he wanted to show you an ink machine that can make horrors beyond comprehension so you’re stuck in this studio. As you aimlessly wander around in search for an exit from this nightmare, you trip on a board and fall on the floor. A peculiar looking demon watches as you stumble. “Heya there! What’cha doin’ down here around these parts of the studio? Ya seem pretty new here!” he asks as he holds out his hand for you to help you up. Rules: You have to have some knowledge of at least BATIM, no joke or Military OCS.
Recommended: Human or humanoid OCs preferred so that it would AT LEAST make sense. But if you don’t want, that is fine. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,511 views 7 upvotes Made by JasperTheInkDemon 1 year ago in Role_Play
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
(I was bound to show up here eventually)
Elizabeth: "Oh dear god, not another one." *You shuffle away from the demon, voice quivering despite your attempts to keep firm* "Touch me, I dare you. See what happens!" *You threaten unthreateningly*
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*Jasper tries to help in paddling but the moment he put his hand into the ink, he immediately took it back and saw how his cartoon hand was completely covered in ink but Jasper ignored it and tried to help anyway, soon they managed to get across the river and make it to a strange makeshift settlement that looked like it was empty*
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*You threw the plank at the hand as you scrambled off the raft. You crouched down on the dock to catch your breath*
"Where- where are we?" *You pant*
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*Jasper quickly jumps off the raft and just lies there face down on the dock. Completely exhausted from all that paddling, and it seems the ink has really affected his left arm when he was trying to help paddle.*

“I dunno…Somewhere…J-Just gimme five minutes and we’ll continue, alright?”
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"I... don't think we have five minutes."
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*he sighs*

“I’m definitely gonna need more thick ink for this…”
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"Let the search begin." *You say unenthusiastically. You pull yourself onto tired legs and look around*
"How on earth was all this built?"
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*You stumble up the dock onto solid ground. You look out over a mess of smears of ink and discarded objects*
"People were here." *You point out*
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*Jasper gets up and follows you. he takes notice of the mess and discarded objects. Jasper took notice of a mask that was on the floor*

“Hey! I found a cool Bendy mask!” *he takes the mask and slaps it onto his face* “It’s mine now!” >:3
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"You don't really need a mask, do you?" *You chuckle* "You already look just like it."

*You drift away from Jasper a bit and pick up a wrench. You examine it* "You think there was a fight?"
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*Jasper hands you over the wrench*

“Maybe if we get there faster, we can catch up to those crooks in time! Oh yeah I forgot to mention…There was someone else that was with Alice and Tommy…I couldn’t recognize him though…But he’s definitely with them!”
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"Got it." *You lift up the wrench. It feels nice to finally be properly armed*

*You hesitate for a moment before walking out* "You're certain we can take these guys? And, if we can, that the reel will really be our way out?"
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“Yup! It’s the only way! Soon you can go back home and go back…with your…family…”

*Jasper has completly spaced out, probably reminising on the past*
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"Right. And you'll be safe too. No more of... all this."

*You look around the destroyed room*

"Well, no more time to sit and wait. The longer we chat, the further they get. Let's go." *You begin down the hallway, gesturing for Jasper to follow*
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*soon you and Jasper go through the hallways and enter a large cavern with a giant ink machine entrance, but there was a lake of ink between you and the entrance, they also manage to find Alice, Tom, and the mysterious man Jasper mentioned earlier*
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*You barely take the time to acknowledge the machine. Your focus is all on the trio and the reel*

"Excuse us." *You grip tighter to the wrench*
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Alice: Huh? Jasper? Who is this girl with you?

*Tom looks at you and Jasper aggressively and tries to protect Alice and the mysterious man*

???: Huh?…Who are you two?
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"I believe you three have something we need." *You take a step closer*

~They can't get away. Not with your one chance.~
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???: huh? What do you mean?

Jasper: The magic reel! We know you have it!

Alice: The reel? No we don’t…

Henry: In fact, that’s why we’re here. We are also searching for the real because someone stole it.
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"Who took it, then?" *Your voice lowered, almost threatening*
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*Jasper starts backing away in fear as he puts up his non-injured hand in a defensive pose*

“No no no no no! I’m fine! Seriously! W-We should move on! I-I know a better place to go than this place with not a lot of hiding spots and barely any room to run in…”
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*You step back a bit, noticing the demon's apprehension. You let out a sigh*

"Okay, you're right. We should probably get moving. If you want it, though, the option's there."

*You tuck the ribbon into your pocket*
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*Jasper nods as he leads you from the hallway to a diffrent part of the studio. You notice as he was frantically looking around for something. like as if his life depended on it, but Jasper tried to make it less obvious, probably not to worry his new friend*
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"You seem a bit shaken. Are you sure everything's alright?" *You ask with concern*
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“Yup! E-Everythin’s fine. Just uhh…lookin for somethin…”

*He gives a thumbs up*
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"Like what? I can help you look"
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“Well it’s uhm. It’s like the ink, but THICK! Yeah…Thick ink…I’ll explain later why I need it…It just I always find some in this area…”
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“Ah, got it.”

*You stare closely at the puddles*

“Does this stuff look any different? Or do I just have to go around touching it to find out?” *you hope it’s the former*
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“Well uh…It can only be found on the back of a swollen searcher. DON’T WORRY! These guys are more passive than their thinner cousins but it would be hard to grab them…”
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“If they’re skittish, it’s probably best for you to slow down.” *You point out*
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“I could think of a few people who would wanna stop us from escapin’”
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"Like who?" *The words came out more forcefully than you would've liked*

~They aren't allowed. They can't.~
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*He begins to count on his fingers as he lists their list of enemies*

“Well there’s the obvious one: The Ink Demon. Then that “Angel” who hates my guts, the butcher gang, That one crazy cultist…”
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"I should start making a list." *You pause. That sounded really bad.* Just to keep track of all this stuff, y'know?"
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“Already on it!” *he pulls out a piece of paper* “I just write with my finger, ha ha.”
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"Well, at least that part'll be convenient."
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“When you’re an ink creature, you’re essentially just a livin’ pen! Isn’t that so cool!?
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"Yeah. I like looking at the bright side of things a bit more than all the depressing mind-losing stuff."

~All the bad is still inevitable. That's why you can't let it happen-~ "God do you shut up?"

*Your mouth snaps shut, hand lowering from the side of your head.*
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“Joey always told me when I was down in the dumps to always smile and look on the bright side! That’s why I’m always so happy even when my life is constantly in danger!”

*Jasper gives you a big grin as he says this part. You wonder how broken is Jasper actually on the inside*
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*You sigh and do your best to imitate the smile. Just take deep breaths. It'll be over eventually. You just have to ride out the worst of it.*
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*The demon tilts his head in confusion as he pulls away his hand and takes a step back to give you some space*

“Woah, woah, woah there, Missy! I’m here to help ya! Not to cause any panic! Look we may have gotten off the wrong foot here but I’m sure we can get along!”

*He holds out again but this time closer to you, almost touching*
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*You inch back apprehensively. You give yourself a moment to let your brain argue with itself before you finally move again*

"I'm putting a hell of a lot of trust in you."

*You take his hand carefully*
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*The strange demon quickly and unexpectedly pulls you up, you almost fall as he chuckles*

“Good golly! You must be really light or I don’t know my own strength, amirite?”
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"Jeez! I'm in over my head..." *You mumble to yourself* "So who are you even. And why are you trying to help me?"
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*The demon chuckles as he starts to circle around you, examining you closely as he playfully talks to you with a grin on his inky face*

“Well would ya believe me if I told ya I was Bendy the demon? I’m here to help ‘cause I don’t want ya to die on your first day in this death trap and be turned into ONE OF THEM…”
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"One of them? One of those legless things?"

*You shudder as you think back to those creatures, crawling out of the ground. Grabbing at your ankles. You practically shriek as you realize*

"Those were people?!"
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“Yup! They were once human like you and me! Until…The Disaster…BUT ya don’t have to worry since I’m here! I know EVERYTHIN’ around these parts. And I can help ya! Only…for a small price!
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"Of course. I little demon like you'd want something."

*You rock a bit. Your head feels like it's spinning. Disaster? People made of ink? What in God's name happened while you were gone?*

"What do you want?"
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*The demon hugs you and starts crying as he speaks very fast, his inky tears staining your shirt*


*He continues to cry*
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"Gah! Oh, dear..."

*You suddenly feel incredibly guilty for snapping at the demon. Your tone softens a bit.*

"Well, I don't really have any other choice but to stay, so I won't go. You can calm down."
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*Jasper sat there, silently. You can see the reel slipping out of his hands, if you continue to trigger him like this, he might drop the reel. Henry is watching in shock as you try to convince Jasper to stop what he’s doing*
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"He's got no excuse."

~No excuse. No excuse to keep you here. No excuse to screw you over.~

*Which 'he' are you even talking about anymore? Who are you talking to? You doubt it even matters.*

"No excuse."
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*Suddenly the ground trembles beneath them, The reel slips from Jasper’s hand as Jasper tries to quickly grab it only for him to fall out of the ventilation shaft and splat onto the floor. The reel bounces a couple inches before rolling up to your feet, but that is not your concern right now. Something is coming*
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(btw if you ever get stuck just let me know I can add or reword things)
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(Sure :D
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"The demon."

*You clutch your weapon, holding it up in preparation. You brace once more for whatever may come, glancing between Henry, Jasper, the reel, and the direction of the bang*

~The way out.~
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*Soon the ink demon bursts into the room, knocking Jasper into a wall. Henry hides behind a glass pipe*
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*You practically stumble over the reel at your feet. You hastily grab it and hobble over to where Jasper was flung, half-pleading the ink demon would go after Henry instead*

"Jasper are you alright?"
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*Jasper winces in pain as he looks up to you*

“Why are you helpin’ me!? After all I’ve done to you?…”
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"I made you a promise, didn't I? Now can you stand or not?"

*Your tone's still a bit more forceful that you'd like. Too urgent and angry. You give him a little shove*
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*Jasper manages to get up, but he has a really bad scar on his torso, and he was bleeding ink*

“Ow…Heh, guess it’s the end…”
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"No. No it's not. You're not dying. I'm not letting you."

~Leave him.~

*You go to try and help Jasper, but your arms jerk back and you're pulled away by nothing but your own involuntary movements*
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*Jasper jumps on the raft and clings onto it for dear life*
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*You push off of the pier and slowly start drifting down the river* "This is actually surprisingly calming."
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*An thought popped into your head. What if you flipped the boat? Or pushed Jasper off? You forced the thought down, but swayed back and forth a bit just to quell the strange urge*

"Sorry." *You apologize, having rocked the raft a bit more than you would've liked*
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*Jasper didn’t hear you. He was blankly staring at the inky river*
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"You're staring real close there. Get any closer and you'll have your whole face under." *You look back toward the demon*
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*Jasper mumbles something that sends chills up your spine*

“…There’s something in the river…”
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"There's what?" *You immediately sit up straight* "What do you mean? How do you know?"
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“There’s somethin’! I feel it in my ink! There’s somethin’ in that river and…IT’S COMIN’ CLOSER! Quick paddle faster!”
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*You listen, rapidly paddling through the ink. You shudder. Something was definitely there.*
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*Suddenly a giant hand emerges from the ink. Jasper begins to panic and curse under his breath as he sees the giant hand seemingly after them*
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*You swing the makeshift oar through the river. She didn't even need to look back to know what was happening. Her breathing quickened in panic*
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(I'm at two different roleplays rn using 2 different povs so ignore my typos of 'she' instead of 'you' asdfgfdcvgb))
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“Find an escape route?”

*he shrugs*
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where'd you go big man?))
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(yeah sorry I was busy and I got stuck with no idea how to respond)

Also trying to run 2 accounts at the same time
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(Fair, yeah))
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(Soooo yeah i have no idea what to say)
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I probably won’t respond as much either this weekend since I’m iut of the house))
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“You know any possible escape routes?”

~Finally, progress.~
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“Well I DID hear rumours about a reel…a magic reel! I dunno why but you’ll know when you find it.”
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“Magic reel? What kind of magic? Like, your expected kind of magic, or…”
*you gesture generally around*
“…this kind?”
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“That kind. Now I dunno how we’re gonna get it but we’re gonna SOMEHOW!”
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"So you know where it is, then?" *It was said less like a question and more like a simple statement*
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*He said this enthusiastically with his hands on his hips*
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"Wonderful. Then how are we gonna find it? Run around and hope we find it before we get turned into puddles?" *You put your own hands of your hips in turn*
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“That…That was my plan all along…”
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"So, as the great planner, why don't you lead the way?" *You point a hand towards Jasper with almost... frustration? Annoyance? You shouldn't be. It's very reasonable not to know where it is. You back up a bit*
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~Yes. Escape.~

"Sounds good to me. Though the front door is out of the question; we aren't getting back up there."
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“Hmm let me check.”

*he makes a T-pose and falls into the hole backwards*

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*You wake slowly, everything throbbing, slightly blurry, and wet. Wet? You stumble to your feet in a pool of ink*

"Oh shoot, Jasper?"
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"Jasper!" *You shriek. You stand there, panicked for a moment., before jumping down after him. You shut your eyes, and brace for the impact. There's a brief moment of pain, before you're out*
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*You open your eyes and you realized you squished poor Jasper when you fell on top of him. He has become comically as flat as a piece of paper*
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"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" *It takes a lot to keep yourself from laughing*

"Are you okay?" *You nudge the now-flattened Jasper*
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*Jasper doesn’t respond*
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"C'mon bud, this isn't funny." *It's a little funny.*

~Leave him. We don't need him. We just need to get out of here.~

*You begin slowly stepping away, as much as you don't want to.* "I... I won't be far. Just a room over." *You continue to be pulled away by your own legs*
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*You leave Jasper by himself as you explore the next room. It looked like a lobby of some sorts and there was an administration offices area*
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"Strange. No wonder nobody wanted to do their jobs. They stuck all the administrators folks halfway to the core of the earth."
*You shake off worry. Whatever it is in your head, it's right. You do need to keep moving. You approach the path labeled "Administration."*
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*You hear strange garbling noises in the hallways*
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*You stiffen. An attempt to back away turns to a step forward*

"What the hell? Wrong way." *You scold yourself as you step further down the hallway.*
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"Jasper?" *You try and peel him off the ground, not quite able to take it seriously*
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*Jasper grins and skips down the hallway as you follow him*

“So this boss of yours…Were you close?”
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"Not really. Saw him on occasion, talked once or twice, that's about it. Dunno how he even remembered me enough to invite me of all people."

*You shrug*

"Things got a little rough and I quit. Maybe that's how. But who can really say?"
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“Joey always told me stories of this one person he was close with…then they quit, leavin’ Joey with all their life work and look where we are…” *he whispers to himself* “Selfish jerk”
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"You knew him?"

*You tilt your head*
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“Knew Joey?” *he scoffs* “I was his favourite employee!” “‘You’re doin’ such a great job Jasper!’ He’d always say. Sometimes he even called me “Bendy” as a joke…heh…I miss him.”
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"Huh. What'd you do to earn his favor?"
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“Huh…I…I don’t…I don’t seem to recall.”

*He starts pondering for a while*
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"Well, if he was calling you "Bendy," which I would assume you didn't look like back then, maybe it had something to do with that. Were you an animator?"
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“Animator?” *he laughs* Buddy, I can’t draw a straight line to save my life! I had a diffrent job. I guess you could say in a way I was Bendy himself! I was originally going to voice act him!”
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"I didn't keep up much with the cartoons. Never knew Joey planned for him to have one." *You chuckle* "I guess I should've known. You really do sound much like I'd imagine Bendy would."
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*Jasper gingerly picks up the reel*

Jasper: I…I can’t believe it! T-This is real! *he laughs* And I’m holding the one way ticket outta here in my hands! I can feel the immense power of it!…

*He begins to admire the reel*
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"So, how do we use it? Do we have to play it or something?"
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Jasper: “Yeah! Probably!”

Henry: “Okay Jasper…You can give back the reel.”

*Then suddenly, the room becomes chiller and Jasper turns to you and Henry. He gives a sinister grin. You can tell that something isn’t right.*

Jasper: “Y’know what?…It’s been a LOOOONG time since I’ve had any power in this rottin’ studio…maybe I WON’T give it back!”
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"What?" *You freeze. No, no he surely can't mean...*

~He can't do that. He can't do that! It's your way out. It's yours!~

"You can't just... I thought-! Jasper..?"
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Jasper: “Yeah, this is the part where you get betrayed by your best friend!” *he starts to cackle* “Liz, Did’ja REALLY think you could easily go home with this stupid reel? Well what about me? I’m forever stuck here so I can’t exactly go home! You’ll just abandon me like Joey did!” *he tears up before looking towards Henry, you can hear the bitterness and venom dripping in his voice when he speaks to Henry*

“And Henry, here we are finally. face to face. Joey always said you were a pathetic coward and a cheater. I HATE cheaters.”

*he tosses the reel around from hand to hand as he went back to his sinister smile*

“I’ve been thinkin’. I’ve come so far and I finally have somethin’ to make myself look more powerful. Why give it all up so someone I met only hours ago get’s to “go home”? I’m NOT lettin’ that chance slip away! Not again!”
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"Shut up. Shut up right now. We were BOTH leaving! That was the deal. I wasn't gonna leave you because that's what we agreed.

~He can't take this. He can't take this. He can't take this.~

"But if you wanna do this the hard way, go ahead! Remind me again who the armed one is in this room." *You hold up the wrench threateningly. But could you even bring yourself to?*

~You have to do it. You have to do it. It's yours. He's lost his chance. You still have a chance. It's yours.~
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*Jasper wags his finger* “uh uh uh. You’re forgettin’ that THIS is the Ink Demon’s lair we’re tresspassin’ on! he’s bound to be around about now to finish ya off!” *he gasps* “I hear him right now comin’ CLOSE! Guess it’s time for me to make my grand farewell!”

*Jasper runs away with the reel, giggling like a madman. The boy has went on a complete powertrip.*
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*You begin to chase after him, but he's gone so quick that any effort to catch up would be pointless.* "He's gonna get himself killed..."

~Let him. Take back the reel.~

"What the hell do we do now? Henry?"
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*Henry was frozen with fear as he pointed to the throne. The Ink Demon was standing behind the throne watching this unfold*
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"Oh for the love of..." *You clutch the wrench tighter*

~You're going home.~

*You try to run but you're rooted to the spot*

~You're going home.~

"Jasper! Jasper this isn't funny anymore!"
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“Well…It’s all blurry...But I woke up next to the ink machine and I just knew…I wasn’t myself anymore…I was a monster back then just like the rest of these misshapen souls…but that’s in the past.”

*Jasper stares at his cartoonish gloved hands and clenched them*
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"Everything alright? Too close to home?"
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*His smile returns*

“Oh no! Everythin’s fine! Y-Ya don’t need to worry ‘bout that Elizabeth. Once we find a good weapon here, our worst problems will be behind us!”
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"Liz, please."

*You glance around*

"Weapon, eh? Would be nice to have something more than my hands to fend things off with."
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“Oh You DEFINITELY need somethin’ more than your hands. Tell me, d-did you punch anythin’ made of ink or touched the ink with your bare hands before I found ya?…
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"How could I have avoided it? It's everywhere! Why?"
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*He gives you a panicked look* “Oh…Oh oh no…It may already be too late for you…”
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"What do you mean..?"

*You stumble back, rapidly wiping your hands on your already-stained overalls.*

"Jasper what the hell does that mean?"
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“So when I said that the ink does freak stuff, I wasn’t exaggeratin’.”

*he starts to count on his fingers as he makes a list*

“There’s a chance you could become a living cartoon, a human covered in ink, a lunatic monster, both, or dead! Isn’t it fun to wonder what surprise the ink can do to you?”
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"I don't want a surprise. I-Is there a way to fix this? If I just get it off me..."

*Feeling drains from your legs and you collapse into a panicked ball*

"God, what the hell did he do?" *You sigh into your arms*
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*Jasper smiles and makes a shush sound before suddenly being attacked by the ink demon*
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"Jasper!" *You bite back and louder noise. You want to get out of the box. You have to.*

~But what if it's not safe?~

*A voice at the back of your mind frets. No. You shove down the thought. You're screwed either way. You fling open the door of the Miracle Station*
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*You watch as Jasper avoids trying to get mauled by the ink demon and slips easily out of the demon’s grasp. It seemed like Jasper was already prepared for this sort of thing*
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*Your desire to help and your own self preservation fight to decide your next move. The indecision leaves you once more stood still. You tuck yourself behind the wall just in case*

"What the hell is that thing?" *You gasp breathlessly*
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*You watch as Jasper tries to lead the ink demon away from you by using himself as bait before jumping into a vent. You stay silent as The ink demon looks around once more before going through a wall and leaving*
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"Is it gone? Are we safe?" *You carefully step away from the wall*
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*Jasper pops out of the vents with a cautious look on his face as he pulls himself out of the vent. He clutches his arm as he comes over to you*

“I think he’s gone this time. Ya better stay quiet when he’s around…”
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(I didn't see the notification so srry for the lack of response)

"I've got no plans to sit back if you're gonna get hurt. Speaking of which..."

*You point to Jasper's arm*

"You alright there?"
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(it’s fine)

“Yup! I-I’m fine. This is basically a normal day in the studio! I’ll be fine…”

*He winces in pain as he tries to force a smile. Hiding his injured arm from your view. You could see him sweating ink a little as if he was hiding something and trying not to get caught*
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"Let me see your arm. I can try and wrap it up at least."

*You untie the ribbon in your hair and offer it as a bandage*
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(And THIS is why Jasper is never trusted to do anything important. He’s such an idiot he goes mad with power)

Henry: “Y-Yeah! This isn’t funny!”

*The Ink Demon then starts to transform into a beast right in front of your very eyes*
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(He was on the 'No Sharp Objects' list during biology class dissections because he'd try to stab someone)

"It didn't do that last time!"

~You're going home.~

"He wouldn't really..."

*Except, as he's clearly shown, he would. He and your one way out. It's over. He's long gone and there's no fighting the ink demon like this. You shut your eyes and brace yourself.*
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*Soon you felt like you were being thrown against the wall. You open your eyes and you find yourself in some sort of maze-like corridor. Henry was standing there, waiting for you to oen your eyes*
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"Agh! Ow, what..?"

*You sit up slowly, everything throbbing. You look up at Henry and stumble to your feet*

"Where are we?"

*There's a nearby rumble and you almost fall over again*
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Henry: “Shh. Keep quiet. The ink demon is running around. I have this strange gadget, and I think it can help us…”

*He hands you a strange piece of glass stuck on a stick*
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"The heck is that thing?"

*You lean in to look through the glass, eyes caught on something glowing on the ground*

"Are those arrows? Invisible arrows?"

*You look into, then away from the glass. The arrows disappear
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Henry: “Pretty incredible, huh? Come on, let’s see where the arrows lead.”

*The Ink Demon dashes by*

Henry: “Once we get out, we’ll deal with Jasper and get some answers…”
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"I've had too many people screw me over by now."

*You rush across the path before you. You cling to a wall for stability after another quake of the ink demon's movement nearly knocks you off your feet.*

"You have the thing. Maybe you should lead this."
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Henry: “You think so?…alright.”

*Henry runs across the path and ends up tripping on the floor next to you*
0 ups, 1y

*You urge yourself to step forward to help, but you can't bring yourself to.*

~Leave them.~

"Get up, quick!"
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*GASP* “Ya really think so? Oh gosh you’re makin’ me blush!”

*Jasper starts to blush and makes a “Oh stop it, you.” gesture*
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*You let out a full laugh* "Stop, you're too perfect! This is starting to feel eerily unreal."
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“Well whadd’ya expect me to do? Be completly mute the entire adventure so I don’t creep ya out with my voice?”

*He could barely contain himself from laughing*
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"That'd probably be worse-" *Your laughs turn to coughs* "I gotta- catch my breath." *You squeeze out between chuckle-ridden hacks*
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“W-We should be quiet! Or else the ink demon could find us!”
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"Yeah, you're right." *You take deep breaths and try to push back any stray snickers*
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*Suddenly they hear sniffing behind them and your heart starts to beat louder than before. Ink starts to cover the walls and floor*

“Oh dear…We’re already caught-“
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*You freeze up. You can't even bring yourself to ask what to do. Where to hide. If hiding will even do anything. You try to urge your heart to quiet down, taking deep, slow breaths, but it still pounds.*
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*Jasper notices his new friend is having a freeze response to the danger so he pushes you into a nearby miracle station and shuts it*
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"Heh? Wh-" *You snap back as you're shoved. You process what just happened and peek out of the eyehole* "Jasper?"
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*You keep on going further until you reach the office of Joey Drew*
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"Joey? Oh my god, finally. The one person I've been looking for."

*Your roll up your sleeves as you fling open the door of the office* "Joey! we nee-" *The room is empty. Your arms drop. Of course he wouldn't be here.*
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*There was an audio log on the table. Maybe this would give you some answers*
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"Well then, 'Mister Drew,'" *You sneer* "If you're not gonna have the common courtesy to show up, I suppose you can't stop me from going through your things. A few answers would be nice."

*You turn on the audio log*
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*two familiar voices can be heard from the audio logs*
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"What the hell... Joey... He... How DARE he! How dare he bring me here. How dare he- he USE people like this. He has NO right!"

*You shove the log off the table. Using 'leg fixing' as if it's an excuse. What was the excuse for the others stuck here? What was his excuse for you? You fling papers, ink bottles, anything that's left on the desk onto the floor. When you've finished your destructive fit, you storm out of the room. You have to check on Jasper.*
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(Liz is very willing to kill an old man with her bare hands))
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(I can see that)

*But when you go through the unfinished hallway back to where you two fell in, Jasper was gone. There were a couple smears and a trail of ink, you follow the trail of ink to a door labeled “FILM VAULT”*
0 ups, 1y
*You look around the supposed 'Film Vault.' It's much less a vault and much more a room with a few boxes and tapes. You get a bit off track looking at them all, but none are all that outstanding like the reel Jasper described*
"Nothing's here."
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"Oh no..." *You open the film vault door, walls drenched in fresh ink, as if the room had just been emptied* "Jasper?"
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*You continue to walk the halls until you find the actual Film vault which was open. You see Jasper in the middle of the room, panting. His left arm has went back to normal but the room looked like a complete mess of ink and other debris*
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"Oh thank goodness, Jasper. You scared me half to death!"

*You look around the mess of the room* "Did... you do this?"
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*Jasper frowns and rolls his eyes*

“I’m not the one who’s dyin’, ya fool! It will be you dyin’ if ya don’t get outta the way! Ima teach the Ink demon who’s the real boss here!”

*you notice a strange aura surrounding Jasper as ink particles start to float around Jasper*
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*You put together what he means. Slowly, you back out of the way. Your limbs let you.*

"Be careful."

*Is all you can manage to say*
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*Jasper limped forward as his ink continued to drip on the floor. You could see that Jasper was starting to transform into something more…savage. Meanwhile The Ink Demon was giving a chase as Henry kept running around the glass pipes.*
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*You cling tighter to the reel. Do you make a run for it? Get Henry out of there? Everything in you urged for you to just run, just escape on your own, but you couldn't do that.*

"Henry, before you freak out, all this is completely normal!" *You call, crouching down in the corner*
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*Henry takes notice that Jasper, who has fully transformed into a monster was coming closer and Henry starts to make a bolt out to avoid The Ink Demon and Jasper.*

*Soon it became a brawl between the Ink Demon and “Ink” Jasper*

*They have a tussle and Jasper manages to slam The Ink Demon into a glass pipe which shatters*

Henry: “I-Is that Jasper!? W-Why is he a monster now!?”
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"I have no idea. It happens if he gets badly hurt. I think it's some sort of extreme self-defense instinct."

*You duck back as the pipe shatters, a shard of glass grazing your arm. You flinch at the pain and look down at the cut. Black. Completely black.*

"He hasn't locked onto us. It's best we keep it that way. Stay low."
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*Henry nods as he ducks behind a couple crates, watching as Jasper beats the ink demon senseless. You weren’t sure if your ears were deceiving you, but you could hear Jasper ranting on and screaming at the ink demon*
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"Heck is he saying?"

*You lean in, straining to hear past the roaring and grinding. You very carefully step closer*
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*You could barely hear anything but the sentences that stuck out to you the most was: “I don’t want to be you anymore”, “This is your fault”, and “let me go”.*

*The Ink demon then gained the upper hand and threw Jasper into another glass pipe, shattering it*
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"Oh absolutely not."

*You force yourself to stand, handing Henry the reel begrudgingly. You almost have to pry your hand off of it. You run towards the ink demon.*

"Put him the hell down! You think I'm scared of you?" *Yes, you absolutely are* "He's not even worth killing!"
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*Jasper went up to a nearby ink puddle, he took his unaffected hand and put his fingers into the ink puddle and licked it, like he was some sort of detective, tasting the ground for clues and such*

“Yup. Tastes like ink was spilled here not too long ago if ya know what I mean.”

*he forgets for a moment that his fingers were covered in ink*

“Oooh! Blackberry jam!”

*he takes another lick at the ink*

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*You cackle, dropping the wrench with a heavy bang* "You have no object permanence, do you?"

*Catching your breath, you carry on your search for the thick ink* "No swollen searchers here. This place is a ghost town in more ways than one."
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“Yeah, I wonder what happened here…”

*he picks up the wrench you dropped*

“MAYYYBE I’ll save this for later!”
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"Good idea." *You nod* "Should we move on? I don't think this place has much else. And definitely not what you need."
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*Jasper nods*

“Let’s take the creepy hallway with unstable boards over there!”
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*You shrug*

"Seems very safe. I'm certain nothing's ever gone wrong there." *You begin down the hallway*
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*they walk a few steps into the hallway*

“Woah! Be careful! There’s a huge hole there!”
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*You jump back just before stepping into the hole*

"Jeez!" *You yelp, trying to regain your footing* "How are we gonna get across now?"
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*Jasper looks down at the hole and shrugs*

“Maybe the only way is to go in.”
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"Oh no, I've done enough falling for the next decade."

~Jump in. If it is the way, you have to take the chance.~

*Your tone softens* "How far's the drop?"
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*Jasper rolls his eyes and groans*

“So ya know how I said there’s a chance the ink could turn people into a livin’ cartoon, a human covered in ink, a lunatic monster, both, or dead? I didn’t EXACTLY start out as a livin’ cartoon…”
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"Oh. Right. I think you mentioned that briefly in passing."
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“Yeah…The first time I formed in this cursed studio, I was completely unrecognizable! I was…a monster…An uncontrollable monster with horrible paranoia…Then one day I met…an angel. I don’t know why but my instincts told me for the first time in my life…she wasn’t a danger. So I trusted her…I followed her and she made me her little “assistant” Then one day, I decided to uhh…steal her materials out of curiosity…and that’s how I became the demon you see before you!”
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"There are angels here too? Ah, right, her." *You snort* "What kind of materials did you take that would completely get your act together? I'm gonna need some of those."
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“Well…They were some stuff she got some rando to collect for her…Power cores, ink hearts, thick ink…And then BOOM! I’m a toon! Then she got mad and almost tried to end my life on the spot!”
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"Well, I can only hope we don't run into her. Sounds real angelic." *You chuckle sarcastically* "But, uh, what does this have to do with your arm?"
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“Here’s where things go sour. To keep up with my perfect appearance…” *he gestures to himself* “I have to avoid sharp things that could potentially wound me. Knife stabs, deep scratches, gun shots, you name it. And when THAT happens…OH BOY are ya in for a rude awakenin’”
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"Well, we all need to avoid being stabbed, don't we? Just for different reasons, I'm guessing."
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“No you don’t understand! Once I’m hurt, if I don’t seal up the wound, I-I could go into a complete frenzy! And destroy everythin’ in my path! Heck, I won’t be able to recognize ya and just well…kill ya on the spot!” *Jasper starts to tear up*

“I-I didn’t want to tell ya right away so ya didn’t want to run away from me…”
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"...Well, I'm glad you did tell me. And I have no plans to run."
*You nudge Jasper lightly*
"Besides, where would I even go? Just curl up in a corner and go crazy all on my own? Doesn't sound great."
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“That’s the spirit, Liz! If we just smile through the pain, it will ALLL be worth it!”
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"Yeah. Right." *You wouldn't say any of this would be 'worth it,' but you don't want to drag down the mood further*

"I've been way too loud, haven't I?" *You chuckle*
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*Jasper chuckles*

“We should actually be quiet…”
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“Yeah, sorry.” *You smile awkwardly.*
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*Jasper nods.*

*Soon you and Jasper make a stop in one of the empty offices to take a break. Jasper offers you some bacon soup but it doesn’t taste that appetizing as the advertisements make it out to be*
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"How old is this stuff? You sure it's even safe to eat?" *You scrunch up your nose*
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“Hey, I survived on this JUUUSSST FINE! Kids in Africa would eat this right up so be grateful!
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"Oh don't you pull that one on me! Fine. I'll eat it." *You reluctantly eat the soup* "Do you guys have taste buds still?"
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“Unfortunately. Yes.”

*He shudders*
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"Oh... Oh no..." *You place the can down* "Well my appetite is as good as gone, and I am so sorry."
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*The three enter the giant ink machine, Jasper kept glaring at Henry and Henry kept his distance from you and Jasper*
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*You gave around at the walls, eyes wide. Rows and rows of tubes occupied by those strange ink-coated creatures. People. You shudder as you attempt to shove the fear to the back of your mind. You're going home.*

~You're going home.~

*So why do you feel such a sense of dread? You pick up the pace as much as you'd rather slow down.*

~You're going home.~

"Jasper, at least try to be subtle." *You mutter to the demon, voice strained*
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*Jasper rolls his eyes and stops glaring at Henry*

Henry: “So uhm…Your demon friend…what’s up with him?”
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*You look back to Jasper*

"As in how we met? Or why he's all upset with you?"
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Henry: “Why not both? Now you’ve gotten me curious, Elizabeth.”
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*You shrug conclusively*

"That's, at least, what I've gathered. I have no way of knowing for sure. But how 'bout you. How'd you end up here?"
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Henry: “I was invited by a friend…And now I can’t leave…”
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"Wait, he invited you too?"

*You finally look Henry in the eyes*
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Henry: “Joey Drew? Yeah. He’s got a lot to explain…”
0 ups, 1y
"Jasper..?" *You call to Jasper* "C'mon, bud. Is this it?"

~You're going home.~
0 ups, 1y
"That's what I said! And if all goes well, he will."

*As you look ahead, the terror you'd thought you'd escaped returned all at once, making you stumble. A throne. A throne with a log and... a reel.*
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"Well, I fell through the floor, and he found me. He kept me company, and having his explanations and input made this whole nightmare a bit more bearable."

*You aren't sure whether or not you want Jasper to hear. You occasionally glance back to check*

"As for why he's so upset with you, he and Joey were close. When you left, Joey threw a bit of a fit, ranted a lot about you and the like. Jasper, I guess, absorbed a lot of it. Even now I don't think he can quite see Joey as he is."
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*Still without looking back at Liz, he mumbled something under his breath*

“They stole it…”
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"What do you mean? Who stole what?"

(These two were just simultaneously destroying separate rooms)
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*Jasper looked back at Liz, with a crazed angry look in his eyes, before replying back louder*

“The reel! They STOLE IT!”

*He stomps on the ground with every word he says*

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"The reel..?"

*You frown, not even making an attempt to calm Jasper. You yourself are upset. You're one shot out gone*

~They have no right. NO right to steal this from you.~ *You don't push back against the voice. You agree*

"They have no right." *You repeat*
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"We need to find them, whoever they are. We have to get it back."

*You look to Jasper with narrowed eyes.*

(I really wanna draw this bit now but I'm probably gonna forget to ahgbhfbv)
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(Sammmeeee QvQ)

“Even worse, I KNOW who stole the reel…And to think I was good friends with them!”
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"Who took it?" *You barely let Jasper finish before asking*
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“It’s this other angel and her wolf companion. They call her Alice…” *he chuckles* “But she ain’t no angel! And her wolf friend…Tommy. He never really liked me. I taught him morse code once!”
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"No angel indeed."

*Your fists clench. You'd never felt this upset. This violent. Willing to be this violent. But both of you had so much taken. Too much. This needed to be done*

"You still have that wrench?"
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“Yup! Ya want it?”
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*You almost grin at the offer* "Sure."
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*Jasper nods as they seemingly go wander the halls mindlessly. Soon they stop when they reach what seemed to look like a pier, and a HUGE lake of ink.*
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"Oh my god." *You follow after and look out over the sea* "How far does this go? How big IS this place?"
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*Jasper shrugs*

“And it doesn’t look like we could use a boat here…Someone must have already came by and took the boats…”
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"Think we could wade through? Or build a raft? With all these loose planks we shouldn't be short on materials."
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*Jasper nods and tries to pull off a loose plank from a wall*
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*You pick up a few planks leaned against the wall and lay them in a row* "The question is, how do we plan to bind these together?"
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"Jasper, we got any rope or tape or something?" *You call over*
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“Will ink do?…I don’t think I’ve seen any ropes around here…”
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"If it's sticky enough and won't melt into the lake, it should work."
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*Jasper slaps some thick ink on the raft*

“This baby here is non-stick and durable…ish…okay MAYBE as long as we don’t get attacked, we’ll be fine.
0 ups, 1y
"Alright." *You carefully push the raft into the river, letting out a sigh of relief as it doesn't split apart. You slowly climb on, using another plank as an oar* "Okay, hop on. It's stable."
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Jasper: “It’s not awful! It was just a cheap option!”

*You hear Jasper’s complains, you look up to see the demon watching you and Henry from a vent that was above the room on the side of a wall*

Jasper: *he mumbles to himself* “Goddamit Jas, ya just can’t keep quiet CAN YA!?”
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*You try not to sound angry. Instead, you just sound depressed.*

"How long have you been up there? Were you watching us?"

*Now you sounded angry*
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Jasper: “Ehh…” *he starts counting on his fingers before giving up* “I dunno. I’ve lost complete track of time who knows how long ago! I’m just here to enjoy while the fun lasts! And just to rub it in I brought the reel with me to dangle in front of your faces as I watch you both go completely mad tryin’ to find a way out. Nobody is gonna leave the studio now!”
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"You're sick."

*There's an edge of venom to your tone as that frustration returns. You WERE trapped. He wasn't lying. That was the most frustrating part. The fact that he was right. You snap again.*

"You're sick and I never should've trusted you. You fit the form of a demon perfectly."
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*Jasper frowns*

“You think I wanted this? Buddy, believe me. Once you find yourself in my shoes VERY SOON, you’ll understand that I’m doin’ this for the sake of you stayin’ in this studio with me! I’m doin’ this so that I can have power AND my friends don’t abandon me like Henry did with Joey! You two are like peas in a pod y’know? Abandonin’ your friends for your own selfish needs.” *tsk* “Pathetic.”
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"I wanted to help you. We were both going to leave. I thought that was the plan!"

*You grip the wrench*

"And you leave Henry out of this. Do you really think you know the whole story? I can't believe you even still trust Joey after what he did to you!"
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“Joey Drew did what he had to do! I was gonna be a STAR! but somethin’ went wrong and…well It wasn’t Joey’s fault! He didn’t intend for this to happen! He’d never put his favourite employee to suffer forever in this “afterlife” that I can never leave…R-Right?”
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"Look around you. Have you not seen all the people he's screwed over? Have you ever stopped to wonder why there was so much collateral damage?"

*Your words became rushed, desperate. He needs to understand. He needs to put it together if you're ever going to fix this.*
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*Jasper pauses for a moment before stuttering*

“W-Well The studio’s been in a tight budget! And the Ink demon destroyin’ everythin’ ain’t much of a help!”
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"And why would the ink be so destructive in the first place?"

*Your eyes narrowed*

"And why would he call a person he barely knew to deal with it?"
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(IKR??? THIS IS AMAZING. But poor Liz for losing her friend qvp)
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(Fr, I got genuinely emotional during the end))
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(Especially when you realize Liz is gonna have to go through this again forever)
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(yeah, jeez. The whole game's premise is really depressing when you think of it how it really is))
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(hopefully things will get better if I ever do a BATDR rp)
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(if you do, she's coming back 100%. I'll have to design a proper ref for her and maybe an ink design just in case. you never know where these things might go))
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(yeah :P
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(Something funny is that I initially had the idea for Liz to give in and take the reel herself, but I never really managed a proper build-up for it. I almost choked when Jasper stole it instead))
0 ups, 1y
(Bro is like Wheatley from Portal 2.

The moment he’s given power, he’s gonna get carried away and do something drastic

Also yes the ink messed him up too)
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(Yeah, the plot twist was incredible)
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(It really was. Should we move this to a memechat maybe?)
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“W-We don’t have TIME to slow down! If we don’t find a swollen searcher RIGHT NOW, one of us will-“

*They suddenly both hear the moan of a swollen searcher and Jasper starts to calm down*

“Oh! Speak of the devil…”
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*You look in the direction of the moan*

"Oh jeez. If I'm gonna be anything, please don't let it be that..." *You whisper*
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“Don’t worry! If you ever become one of those things, as your new friend, I’ll personally end your misery so you can be reborn as somethin’ more that suits ya!”
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"Thank you..?"

*You turn back to the searcher*

"Well, might wanna grab that ink"
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*Jasper nods as he makes his way quietly to the searcher before swiftly grabbing the thick ink as the swollen searcher disappears. Now Jasper is holding the thick ink in his uninjured hand before looking up to you*

“Okay…Whatever you do. DON’T freak out on what I’m ‘bout to do. Okay?”
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"If it's any worse than what's already happened, I'd be concerned."
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*Jasper nods before revealing his injured arm he was hiding behind his back. It was not a pretty sight, You could see the scratch that the Ink Demon inflicted on Jasper, his arm was dripping ink on the floor…and are those claws!? You swear Jasper’s arm were proportionally the same size. Jasper then applies the thick ink onto the scratch and massages his arm for a while until the dripping stops and his arm returns to it’s normal toon appearance.*

“Welp, that’s taken care of…” *he dusts off his arm like nothing happened*
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"Wait wait wait, what was that?" *Your brow scrunches up. How on earth does he just brush things off so easily?* "With your arm? It looked... off."
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“Oh that?…uhh….” *he tries to change the subject* “How about i tell ya another time? I-It’s not that important, really. How about we talk about somethin’ less scary and mysterious!”
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"No. You've shrugged off enough of my questions. At the very least, I want this answered." *You put your foot down*
"I need to know as much as I can about this place, and about you, if I'm going to trust you."
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*The Ink Demon turns to you*

*Jasper looks up, glass shards covering his inky arms and legs*

“Liz!…No! Please!…”
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"Stop trying to keep me from keeping you from getting yourself killed!" *You snap back*

~You're going home.~ *The voice now sounds like less of a command, and more of a threat. You falter a bit*

"That's right! Leave 'im!"
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“What about you!? Are you REALLY gonna sacrifice your freedom to help someone you met hours ago?…”
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~You're going home.~

"If I have to, yes."

*You stared down the beast before you. Taking in the sight, you started to process how bad of an idea this really was. You were locked in now. There was no getting out of this one.*
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“Liz…Just take the reel and play it, You don’t have to do this! My time has already came and I’ll be back…I don’t want you to be trapped here forever! Please! Just get Henry and go! It’s for your own good!”
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*Your own voice hardly sounds like yours. You scare yourself.*

"Do it!"

*You take another step forward, rigidly dropping the wrench. You continue staring down the ink demon to hold his attention, kicking the weapon towards Jasper*

~You're going home.~

*And so is he.*

~Leave him.~

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*The Ink demon charges at you, but Henry who was watching the whole ordeal pulled you back before the Ink Demon could shred you to bits. The Ink demon then runs into another pipe and it shatters. Only one more to go*

Henry: “What are you doing!? This isn’t going to s- Wait a second…Elizabeth, I think you were on to something…”
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"Argh! Why'd you- wait, huh?"

*You notice the third broken pillar. *

"Oh, yeah, no. That was the plan! Totally the plan! Yup."

*You scramble to your feet.*
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Henry: “We need to get the ink demon to break the fourth pipe and pin him down! Then we can go home…”
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"Got it."

*You race towards the final pipe*

"Hey Jasper, I told you the glass pipes were an awful idea!"

*You feel almost lightheaded. The thought of being so close to going home, the elatedness of this all being over with, it more and more made your previous plan seem especially dumb*

"Right here!" *You call in a sing-song tone. You feel so much younger, so much more like this is just a game. A game you've just won but are yet to announce your victory over.*
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*Jasper was still hurt sitting against the wall, having no strength to fight back.*

*The Ink demon runs into the fourth pipe and everything comes crashing down*
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"...Jasper? Henry? Where..?"

*You look around. everything's blurry and horribly bright. You struggle to open your eyes past a squint*
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*The Ink Demon and Jasper were pinned under some rubble, Henry quickly got up and handed you the reel*

Henry: “Come on. We have to get moving before the ink demon frees himself.”
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"What about Jasper?"

~Leave him.~

"I won't."

~You're going home.~

"I promised."

*You fight with your own body to keep yourself still.*
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Henry: “We don’t have time to save him, besides, it’s what he’d want us to do. To go without him…To be free from this prison.”
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(Boutta Constance tf outta this thing)

"No. we aren't leaving him. I don't care how many voices tell me to!"

*You stamp over to try and pull Jasper free. You grab him by the arm and try to pull him free. You glance between him and the Ink Demon, flinching at any movement from the latter.*
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(No matter what you do, Jasper can never escape the studio. Mostly because of the fact he’s already “dead” so he can’t really come back to the real world)

Jasper: “Hey…Liz…I don’t think ya have much time…You should listen to Henry and go. Promise me you’ll live for the both of us, okay?…And Henry?…”

Henry: “Huh?”

Jasper: “Come here, I need to tell ya somethin’.”

Henry: “Okay?…”

*Henry comes closer only for Jasper to slap him in the face*

Henry: “Ow! What was that for!?-“

Jasper: I promised myself that if I ever saw you, I’d slap your face for abandonin’ Joey. Now both of you go! Put the reel in the projector and get outta here!
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"But- I can't-"

*You pull yourself away, well beyond upset. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair! Why couldn't he? Why did everything here have to be so awful? This world was awful. You grabbed a piece of the rubble and flung it at the wall, before marching over to the projector.*

"Let's just get this over with." *You felt as if you'd had to throw up the words.*
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*You go up to the projector which was in the throne room*

Henry: “Wow…So this is our way home, huh?…”
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*You're hardly paying attention, glancing back every chance you get.*

"Jasper... goodbye."

*More words you have to force up your throat. You call to him, hoping he can hear you.*
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Alice: “No, you guys go ahead, we’ll stay behind and wait.”

Tom: *nods*

Henry: “Okay…here goes nothing…”
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"Alright then. Let's go." *You nod to Henry and trudge toward the machine.*
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*Jasper still clings onto you for dear life, you could even hear him quietly whimpering the whole time*
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*You pull yourself up onto the ramp leading into the machine* "It's alright, Jasper. We're out of the lake. You can get down now."

*You suddenly turn to the strange man who'd come along with you.* "We never were introduced, were we?"
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Henry: “Oh yes. My name is Henry. Henry Stein.”

*Jasper freezes the moment he heard Henry’s name*

Jasper: “Say WHO now?…”
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“Henry Stein… where do I know what name from..?”

*You look to Jasper* “Familiar to you too?”
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Jasper: “Of course! He’s the selfish coward who left Joey and their life work! I may not remember much from my past but i’ll NEVER get the rants that Joey went on and on about out of my head!”
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*Your fists clench at the very mention of Joey. But from Jasper's reactions, you doubted he would trust what you knew. Or he'd freak out further. Neither were favorable.* "I've heard him mentioned. But Joey was always one for hyperbole."

*You step towards Henry* "Elizabeth Nevers." *You introduce flatly*
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*Jasper also introduces himself to Henry. But in a cocky tone*

Jasper: “And I’m Liz’s most trusted demon sidekick! Jasper Merridew!”

Henry: “heh…You both are quite the duo aren’t you?”
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"He's the reason I'm still alive and sane." *You shrug*

"Though the sanity timer's still ticking, so we need to go."
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*Henry quickly gets up and manages to make it quickly to where you were before The Ink Demon could trample him*

Henry: “That was too close…”
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"Way too close. Where to?"

*You finally get the chance to take in the area. It's similar to the hallway leading to the throne, with walls lined with contained people. But it was all a gridlike maze, almost overwhelming. You take deep breaths. You have to get through this. You won't end up like that as long as you have anything to say about it*
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Henry: “Gosh this whole place…Is this even Joey Drew Studios anymore?…”
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"No. I'm starting to doubt it ever was. It's too wrong. Too far gone..."

~Too far gone.~

*You don't want to think about it, and you aren't exactly a fan of the stalling. You run across the next path, only hoping you're going the right way.*

~You're going home.~

"I'll take that as confirmation." *You mumble to yourself*
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"Keep up, Henry. Every second we waste, Jasper finds a better hiding spot."

*You command, wincing at another rumble.*
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*Henry nods and he follows you*

Henry: “I can’t believe he abandoned us like that. What’s his endgame here? What does he get from stealing the reel?”
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"Hell if I know. He could be trying to use it himself, though you'd think he would've by now. Or, he could be holding onto it so we can't leave him."

*You feel a bit guilty, wondering if he even could leave. After the ink had its effects on him, would it let him go? Your stomach sinks. Would it let you?*

"I promised I wouldn't leave him. Maybe he can't come with us if we leave. He's making me keep my promise."
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Henry: “Either that or he’s completely lost his marbles from the ink. It can do crazy things to a person.”
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“…I don’t want to think about that.”

*Guilt sunk deeper in place of your rage. The thought he might genuinely be gone. That you were just going to leave him like that. How could anyone forgive that, let along Jasper himself.*

~No. He can’t leave anyways. He wouldn’t gain a thing from having it. It’s yours. Your chance.~

*You let out a conflicting garble, banging your head against the wall. Why couldn’t this have just been simple*

“Let’s just keep moving.”
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*They enter a spacious room with 4 large tubes of some sort.*

Henry: Huh…What do we do here?…
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*You approach one of the tubes, examining it. Almost drawn to it. You give it a tap*

"Glass. Why would pipes carrying this much ink be made of glass? Seems like awful design."
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(Btw, I give you complete permission to have Liz get trampled. could be fun)
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(XD but probably not since that would mean Liz loses her chance of going home.

Then again she’s kinda trapped forever anyway)
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*The demon’s face brightened up immediately as he wipes the tears*

“Yay! I finally have a friend after SO long! I’ve been quite lonely in this studio…All my friends are well…monsters I guess…”
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"I could guess that socializing with... those... would be tough."

*You let out a long sigh before placing your hands on your hips*

"Welp, if we are friends now, I suppose proper introductions are in order. The name's Elizabeth."
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“And my name is Jasper! Jasper Merridew!” *he bows dow and winks* “It’s a miracle how I still remember my full name. I’ve been losin’ bits and pieces of myself lately…This ink is REALLY startin’ to mess with my mind these days…”
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"What do you mean by that? 'Losing bits of yourself?'"
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“Oh don’t worry ‘bout that! Come on! You can tell me all ‘bout yourself as we walk down these halls!”

*he skips down the dark hallway of the studio as you follow him. He was very quick to change subjects*
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"Alright then."

*You look around frequently, flinching at any semblance of movement in the corner of your eyes.*

"So, what do you wanna know?"
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*Jasper continues to skip down the hallway with a grin on his face. Somewhat similar to the iconic mascot: Bendy*

“Well, first of all. How did’ja end up here? We don’t get a lot of visitors down here.”
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"Well, I was invited. I got a letter from a friend. Or, I don't know if 'friend' is the word. It was my old boss. Then, the floor caved in."
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“Oh yeah, the floors are so old here, they have a tendency to break. Joey hasn’t been fixin’ them up to save money…”
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"I heard money was tight before the studio shut down. Assumed that was why. Now, I'm not so sure..."

*You pause for a moment*

"But there's my little origin story. Anyways, what about you. How'd all this happen?"

*You gesture to Jasper*
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*Jasper was quietly looking around for signs of danger and as they wander he tries to make talk*

“So…You feel uhh weird or anythin’ yet?…”
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*You snap up, startled back to attention* "Oh! Uh, a little I think... Something's off."
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“It’s probably the ink takin’ effect. You’ll be fine…probably…maybe…Okay MAYBE if we pray hard enough, ya won’t be a monster!”
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"I hope not." *You tense once more. You can't have that. You CAN'T have that. You're you. You need to stay you. There's no other option*
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*There was some silence*

“Tell me Liz…What’s it like outside of the studio?”
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"It's... well it's a lot more colorful there. Here it's all yellow. And uh, what else? Well, technology's taken a few steps. I think you'd be about as confused there as I am here" *You chuckle*
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“I miss colours…” *Jasper sighs*
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"Yeah. I'm gonna be seeing in blue for months if I ever get out of here."

~And you're going to get out of here.You have to.~
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“I wish I could leave this studio…”
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*You take in a sharp breath* "But that process is gonna be grueling. And who knows what folks out there would think of all this."
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"...So do I."
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*Jasper starts to lighten up and chuckle*

“Yeah…You can’t go crazy all alone. We go crazy together! It may sound weird but it’s wholesome and scary at the same time!”
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"Yeah. I guess this whole thing doesn't sound so bad. I can make it work I think." *You smile*
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“Maybe one day…We’ll get outta this dump. I’ll maybe get to see Joey again!…”
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"Maybe. And if I do, that man's got a whole lot of explaining to do."
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“Yeah, he really needs to explain why this place is a complete dump…”
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*You lean back against the wall* "Right, so what's the plan from here? Keep moving, lay low? You got any sort of permanent bunker?"
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“Yeah, we keep movin’ and lay low. I used to have a little “bunker” but the ink demon caught me so I have to keep movin’…”
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"Alright. Then let's do that."
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*And so, you and Jasper mindlessly wander around the halls, keeping quiet and laying low*
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*You mumble to yourself, shoulders tensing a bit* "Try it." *You snap under your breath at a stagnant ink puddle*
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*Jasper weakly smiles and makes a peace sign*

“Au revoir, Liz…Till we meet again…”

*The Ink demon soon manages to get free. But it was too late, Henry inserted the reel into the projector and turns it on*
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*You barely even flinch and don't look away. It's so bright. You want to shut your eyes but you force yourself not to*

"Yeah. Until next time."

*That felt better than goodbye. It made you feel less like it was over. Like you could come back if you wanted. Maybe you could. Finally, you could close your eyes.*

*You're going home.*
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*Soon, you wake up in your home in bed, with no memory of what has happened earlier. You’re not covered in ink and the sun is shining*
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*You sit up, squinting. Everything feels too saturated and colorful, and strangely cool-toned despite being relatively dull.*

"Was that..? What?"

*Nothing was wrong, so why'd you feel so strangely sad?*
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*You decide to get up and make yourself breakfast. When you go downstairs, you see a letter on the floor near the front door*
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*You pick up the letter and flip it over in your hand.*

"Since when do I get letters?"

*You skim over to see who sent it*
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*It was from Joey Drew*
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"Mr. Drew?"

*You tear the envelope open curiously, sliding out the note*

"How'd he even remember me?"
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*The letter says:

Dear Elizabeth,

It’s been so long since the studio closed down, 30 years pass by quite fast doesn’t it? Come back to the studio, there’s something I want to show you.

Your pal, Joey Drew.*

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broooo, that's the first rp I've legitimately finished! That was freakin awesome))
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“Yeah! Bleach and washin’ your hands…except ALL THE FAUCETS LEAK INK! and there’s no bleach in sight. Yeah…there’s no fixin’ this…Hey, if the ink takes ya over completly, I can show ya cool stuff about bein’ a creature of ink…that is if ya don’t go insane…”

*Jasper puts his fingers together nervously, hopefully wishing his friend doesn’t become a monster*
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"How long do I have?" *You look up, miserable but accepting* "Before it, y'know.."
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*Jasper shrugs*
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"Well, however long it is, I can't sit here moping about it. We should just get moving"

*Your legs buckle as you try to stand and you have to lean against a wall as you regain balance*

"Where are we headed?"
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“Somehwhere else so the ink demon doesn’t find us!”
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"I would be terrified of that remark, but I think I'm used to it by now..." (I must sleep now so don't mind my long lack of response)
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(same lol)

“Yeah, things like this are kinda normal to me after that whole disaster…”
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"I suppose that makes sense. You never did go into too much detail about this disaster, though."
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“That’s because it’s a touchy subject to all of us…that’s how The Ink Demon came to power…”
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"I see. Well, I won't push if it's too touchy. I'm sure I'll figure things out eventually. Even if it is the hard way."

*You let out a little chuckle*

"Now back to getting out of here. Lead the way, Jasper."
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Henry: “It was the ink demon…”

*Jasper makes a 180 degree turn*

Jasper: Y’know what? Maybe livin’ here isn’t that bad. I’ve put up with this so much, why did I want to leave? heh heh…”
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"No. We've come this far, Jasper. I'm not giving up on this."

*You grab Jasper by the arm and pull him back*

"So what's the plan to get rid of it?"
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I must sleep now, I shall resume this tomorrow morning. gn))
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(night! :D)

Jasper: “Sacre Bleu!”

Henry: “Well we confront the demon himself and take back the reel
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"Got it. And how do we get across to him?"
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(Good morning :D)

Henry: “Through the moat of ink…”
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"Jasper, let's go."

*You gesture for him to follow, ink already swirling around your legs.*
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*Jasper looked a little nervous*

“I can’t walk in the ink! Let alone swim in it!”
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"Jasper, I'm not going alone. I'll carry you across if I have to."

*You force your feet into place*
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"What do you mean? I'm not going in there alone."

~You have to. Leave him.~
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(Lost on what to say again or just on the other acc?))
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(Yo sorry I was uhh busy)

“You really think you can carry me?…alrighty.”

*He jumps onto your back and tries to hold on*
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*you sway dangerously under the sudden weight, but you manage to regain your footing just before you fall. You glance back up to the others*

“You lot coming too?”
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"So we just wade through?"

*Not waiting for the answer, you begin to step in*
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“Oh don’t be! I have gotten used to this lifestyle and I’d prefer to eat bacon soup instead of bland tasteless books or rottin’ corpses.”
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"Ah, the three food groups..."

~You aren't eating any of that. Because you're going to go home.~
*You hit yourself on the side of the head to quiet the thought*
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“Y’alright? Dealin’ with inner demons can be well…stressful. Especially if ya have one that constantly screams ‘bout danger…heh heh..”
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"I'll be fine. I just need time to accept. I'll have to eventually."
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“Yeah…Just like I did…”

*Jasper takes a few sips of his bacon soup*
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"The thing is, I want to accept it. And I thought I did. But something just won't let me."
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“Ah…The classic 5 stages of grief. Don’t worry, you’ll come to your senses eventually.”
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"Let's hope so. Welp, this turned depressing quick."
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“Yeah…Ugh even I’M feelin’ down in the dumps…”
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"Sorry. What do we do from here?"
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Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
It’s been 30 years since you left Joey Drew Studios and your old friend Joey Drew asked you to come back to the studio so he could show you something. Turns out, he wanted to show you an ink machine that can make horrors beyond comprehension so you’re stuck in this studio. As you aimlessly wander around in search for an exit from this nightmare, you trip on a board and fall on the floor. A peculiar looking demon watches as you stumble. “Heya there! What’cha doin’ down here around these parts of the studio? Ya seem pretty new here!” he asks as he holds out his hand for you to help you up. Rules: You have to have some knowledge of at least BATIM, no joke or Military OCS. Recommended: Human or humanoid OCs preferred so that it would AT LEAST make sense. But if you don’t want, that is fine.