I have band/chorus concerts on Thursday and Friday. I'm so nervous. BUT, I'm kinda excited because one of the other grades at my school is doing Viva La Vida or Yellow (Both by Coldplay) and another is doing Counting Stars by OneRepublic. Coldplay is my second favorite band (after Imagine Dragons, of course) and OneRepublic is my fourth favorite band (after FOB)! SO I'M NERVOUS AND EXCITED LOL
...also i'm the only electric bass player in my grade's school band soooo that's reassuring ._____.
Thank you! I'm all excited and scared at the same time. I have my two mariachi ones within the week, but I'm not too concerned for those, but the jazz is stressful because the guitarist is always the center of attention, and I've been through the last one once before. Do you play any instruments?
Ah, I play flute mostly. But I used to play Viola, Saxophone, and Piano at my old school. I played those when I was really young, so I don't remember much. I also have this little one hand wood piano thingy, I don't know it's name.
In my class we only have 4 flutes, and on may 9th it's my band concert, so the other classes with join us. So that means 6 flutes and a army of Mini Squidward's and Trumpet blasters :[
I feel bad for the other classes, both have only 1 flute player and a bunch of loud instruments.
AHHHH, I have like four concerts in May and I'm scared!! Two for mariachi band, one for jazz band, and one for choir and orchestra. I might also have some solos, I have one for sure in jazz, but who knows for the rest? (But I might get to miss one of my exams, so yay, I guess??); Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time- P!ATD; Ready to go get a new electric guitar