Story: there was a guy. He was the guy that found a way off of earth. A way to find other intelligent life. This guy was Jofem. Jofem spent all of his time learning to to incredible things. The year was 3078. He was still in his 20s but he did a lot of things. But today... was different. Jofem was on a planet in the shapeverse. He was suprised how life worked on there. But he was not investigating the life on the planet. He was there for minerals. He was searching a cave. He found some of ordinary minerals but he found ONE. One that looked different from all the others. It was glowing red. If you put it on an electrical device, it would charge it. Jofem named it: Charge crystal. Jofem decided to make a mech suit bout of it. He though it looked cool but he did not know it could do lots of things. END OF CHAPTER ONE