Remember Stupid Rat? Yeah I'm him
I wrote down the plot synopsis's on all the posts
Book 16
Midas, though gone through many hardships, must go through one more. The cheese, a rebel group, has gained enough power to only be stopped by the mythical 7 pizzas, where they would become part of the pizza itself. But, where could the slices be hidden? One myth suggests that the first, the plain Cheese Pizza, is in the city of foods itself...
Book 17
Midas, on his quest to find the 7 pizzas, finds himself investigating the salad fields right outside of Oven Ultima. He finds himself inspecting the rumors of the locals, that in the oven, the legendary Pepperoni Pizza is hiding in it, Hot & Tasty...
Book 18
Continuing his search for the 7 pizzas, Midas finds himself at Seafoolandia, searching the Gulf of sushi for the Anchovies pizza. Unfortunately, the Cheese rebels have found him, and intercept him. More factions join the battle, until Seafoolandia becomes an all-out battlefield...
Book 19
Now on his 4th pizza to find, Midas heads to the frozen wasteland where Gold Eater had formerly killed 1000s years ago. He wishes to find the sausage pizza, but it won't be that simple. Monterey Jack, general of the Cheese, is getting his revenge, and it's gonna be spicy...
Book 20
After hearing the news, Midas must take a break from collecting pizza, and must stop the Cheese from burning down the City of Foods. Intense heat burns through the city, as the redeemed Gold Eater tries to help citizens escape. Fruit bombs have also been planted throughout the streets, and one wrong step could be Midas's last. He must stop this rampage, Through the Fire and the Fruits...