I've asked to be kicked in the balls a few times. I like it done by girls who I don't really know so they are not inhibited by feelings towards me. Last time was done outdoors in a field in winter, met a girl via an additional on the net, for safety she bought a friend along, very sensible. I got undressed stood open leg with my hands on my head. She placed her hands on my hips, she was going to knee me, asked if I was sure, then her knee came up real fast and it was a good one, the pain is just unbelievable, it's not possible to remain standing, I was on the grass, can't even hold them, to painful to touch. The turn on is knowing that I am willingly going to allow it, I will willingly open my legs and ask for it. That is a huge turn on. When done it's pain from hell, difficult to walk, just spasms on and off and aches into the next day. Once it's calmed down and it's possible to walk normal, just rest for a while first, that's when the turn on shows again, the knowing that I have gave myself to have it done. That feeling of waiting for the crunch. It's worth the pain. I will be having it done again, I love to feel pain and balls are great for that.