Why having children is a terrible idea in my opinion:
-Kids are cruel creatures, and they will grow into adults who are just bigger kids
-You will end up having to waste money on your kids. Having kids is a choice, not a necessity. In order to save money, avoid having children
-For all you know, your child might be different from the rest. But either way, they didn’t ask to be born at all, let alone being born in a certain background, given how rigid and judgmental our current society is
-The older generation has already damaged the environment enough, and we wouldn’t want the children to live through that
-Having kids will contribute to the already-existing overpopulation problem, which is currently damaging the environment right now
-Honorable mention: Not all parents raise good children. Stop treating your parenthood like it’s an achievement, because it really isn’t especially if you’re a bad parent. And most importantly, do not achieve your failed dreams through your kids. Your kids are not you, they’re a different entity entirely