Jimmy: "Me and the boys just hijacked 2 commercial airliners, and WE'RE gonna CRASH them into the Twin Towers. Last person to survive wins $100,000 dollars!"
*Mr. Beast holds up a briefcase with money it in.*
Jimmy: "Alright, Chris, fly it into the tower!"
Chris: "Let's do this!"
*Footage of the first plane hitting the tower.*
Jimmy: "Wow, that was epic! Now let's take a look at the hidden cameras inside the tower!"
*Cut to camera footage of the Windows On The World restaurant. People are looking around, confused by the explosion.*
*Someone yells, "Fire! Fire in the lower floors!"*
Jimmy: "Before we continue, I want to thank my sponsor, the Global Relief Foundation! GRF is a not-for profit, non-governmental organization established to provide humanitarian and charitable relief to Muslims in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kashmir, and Lebanon. In addition to undertaking charitable work, however, GRF serves as an organization issuing propaganda for global jihad. First 100 people to donate using the code "BEAST911" get free merch!"
"Now let's get back to the action. I'm getting on this helicopter to get some aerial shots, so we can see the second plane. Chandler is on the observation deck."
Chandler: "It's... uh... pretty smoky up here."
Jimmy: "Thanks, Chandler."
Karl: *holding a hot dog over the flames* "I'm just cooking a hot dog."
*Bruh sound effect*
Jimmy: "And here comes our friend Jake with the second plane!"
*Cut to the inside of the cabin of the second plane*
Jake (over intercom): "Ladies and gentlemen... please, uh, remain in your seats, and get your asses ready for September 11th!"
Jake: "ALLAHU AKHBAR!" *He smiles jokingly to the cameraman.*
*The second plane hits the South Tower*
Jimmy: "WOAH! WOAH! That was an epic explosion!"