Hey flat earthers you're right. I finally found the end of this flat earth and fell off. I'm still falling as I'm typing this reply. I hope the internet stays with me long enough while I'm falling so everyone can read my reply. Oh I see the ocean falling off that edge too. Damn the earth is going to dry up. I hope it doesn't get my android wet so all those dumbasses who think the earth is a sphere and rotates on its axis won't get to read these comments. I'm 69 years young and it's taken that long for you flat earthers to convince me cause I'm still falling. I'm getting hungry though could one of my flat earther friends walk to the edge where I fell off and throw me a bologna sandwich. Don't need something to drink cause that was fresh water not ocean water falling off the edge too. You flat earthers have convinced me of something else too. It's impossible to deal with ignorance you just have to go with it.