Leviticus 2015
“'If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal."
Leviticus 2016
“If a woman presents herself to a male animal to have intercourse with it, she and the animal must both be put to death. You must kill both, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
Then bro read the freakin rules bozo
Yeah thats right you idiot read the rules 'no smooth brained soldiers' like bro furries and zoos are not the same thing
If you would have known that by now you would realize that you're attacking an innocent, not an enemy
Get it together mid_bro
you're right I hate, furries, zoophiles, gacha kids, emos, and nekos. But we share the same enemy idc if you don't hate furries together were a strong nation
ok ima stop speaking heroic leader smart I got a test to do
Ain't no way this dumbass kid called me smoothed brained but he's still using "mid" like go outside and commit public suicide, I hope you get an itch and you try to scratch it, it goes somewhere else, I hope every f/ucking mosquito comes to attack your balls. F/ucking kill yourself you dumbass shit anti furry imposter.
Bro u ain't even real anti zoo you just hate furries
Like bro go touch some grass while u at it because right now u just being a glitch to some random teen who obviously knows the difference between a zoo and a furry
Like bro you're just a meaningless speck of waste in my life and someday i wish you were dead along with a lot of other people
And oh I'm sorry did i hurt your feelings over knowing BETTER than you because you're a meaningless idiot who can't even take it with some guy with an animal OC? Like bro stay mad you freaking wussy
Like i bet your mom went to help your dad get the milk and turned you into a freaking orphan
Like bro i ain't a freaking anti fur and its obvious to know that you freaking idiot mate i think I know why your parents left you
Plus i think you should kill your dumb idiot parentless self right now because only the idiots from the anti furry stream are gonna be your only friends
So stop being a glitch to random people and touch some grass
Freaking idiot can't even tell the difference between a furry and a zoo 💀