A'right, so I'm gonna get back round to doing stuff with the SMP texture pack for Java Edition cause I'm THAT stupid to know how to make a similar one but for Bedrock...I may replace iron (in a lore sense, so if you're looking for raw iron or raw gold, yea, it's there..I'm too tired to fix the text for that)..So uh, idk. Should I alter iron and iron tools into a different material? Lore wise the only changes to materials is: Diamond to Mythril, Netherite to Endersteel, and Gold to Brass. And that's it for materials. So uhh, if you see it's inconsistent. I'm so sorry, I'm not the best at this stuff. But yea, if you have any suggestions if I should maybe change the parrot texture to say, idk, for example, a different bird because idk parrots are overrated anyways, lemme know.