Yeah, that's the thing. Escalators and people are very similar. They tend to let people down. But, they also lift people up. You can't judge yourself based off of how a few people feel towards you. People on the internet (especially twitter) will look for a reason to be offended. If someone does that, it's impossible NOT to offend them. That's why I stopped caring what other people think. That's why I'm based, in a way of saying it. Most people see it as a bad thing, but I genuinely don't see any downsides. It's hard for people to put you down if you don't care what insults they throw at you. People are difficult to understand. I stopped trying to understand them. I'm not saying you should go do whatever offensive things you want, you should still avoid that. But, if someone finds what you say offensive anyways, try to talk it out with them if you can. Try to see why they think it's offensive. If this person doesn't listen to reason though, they probably just want to insult you for the sake of insulting someone. Those types of people don't need to be listened to. But, don't take what I'm saying for fact. Every situation is unique. What I said is just what happens to work for mine. Try your best to find what works for you.
TL;DR: Don't care so much what people think about you. Focus on what matters. Which isn't the opinion of a stranger on the internet.