But, why allow yourself to be brought to your knees, think of it, the more the repulsion occurs the harder it can hit you. Your Gummy, you've experienced a partial relationship with snek (I say partial because ill just put it like that, your whole "marriage comic" explained the union, and the sneksolotl shit.) What I'm trying to say Gummy, is that the repulsion can cause issues, I know your wanting to go to that path but the repulsion is the issue, but think of it, a relationship with someone is what you want, but relationships aren't easy, they are marginally difficult, and most of us are already down that path, myself included as I'm holding a relationship of 2 months. And you would want to have someone to be with until the end, wouldn't you. Well, that's all I'll say, if you want to vent to me on here or DC (I'm in the streams server), then that'll do. Scrooge out.