I ended up getting a permanent sticky key on the right trigger and wasn’t able to play any any games properly anymore you have no idea what kind of hell it is playing Mario 3d world while being crouched the whole time or instantly reentering the level you just got completed in splatoon until you just get Minecraft story mode because it’s the only existing game that isn’t affected by the horror of the eternal and infernal right trigger.
Honestly it's sad that there was bad marketing and people thought that it was just an extension to the Wii. I didn't have one but my friend did and it was great.
Eh. From what I've seen, the Wii U is just a ham-handed combination of the Wii and the 3DS. While the Wii U had some good games, I think that the Switch is better. However, no console will ever quite touch on the sentimental value of my 2DS XL and my Wii that broke down.