How to draw a cube, firstly, open kleki. secondly, draw a square. thirdly, hair!!
there are three options you can choose! i'll use this for the next step; so now, there's this thingy behind the curly hair. there are different kinds of these thingys here! :D; now, eyes! choose which one you would like! using this one for the example. the mouth!! use any of those!! at this point, i won't say it, cuz you already know; now, draw a rectangle under the cube's head. options for outfits!! hoodie, sweater; t-shirt; after that, we need to decide if we should have long sleeves or short sleeves; i'll use short sleeves for the example here!! now, draw arms by rectangles. legs are simple. and ears!!
(they can be round or pointy, or anything really.); you have found out how to draw a cube!! yippee!!!