i did a big oopsie, i have gotten one of my best friends to block me (on deviantart), i had snitched on him, i told one of his old friends, cesar, that he did not want to be friends with him anymore, i had done everything to try and get him back (jakky), but even then, once he unblocked me, he did not forgive, but i can see why he would block me, i am selfish sometimes, but at least i can admit that i was in the wrong, i've been going through some stress lately, like my hamster dying... i don't like losing close friends... jakky, i am very sorry for the way i have treated you... i realize you did not want me to snitch, spam, or make any mentions, most of the time i just want you to feel happy, i do not want to forget you, EVER!
if jakky can read this.. then i never meant to hurt you... and if you still feel uncomfortable around me or just don't like me anymore, then i understand, this is coming from the heart..... you are a good person with amazing art, and you should keep it up, but i am not, i am very toxic and rude, and i have tried to change, but.. maybe it doesn't work sometimes...