Ignia: wait a sec. Opal, aren't you a guardian angel?
Opal: well, yes.
Ignia: doesn't that mean you can create anything?
Opal: well yes-
Ignia: can you create Morphers so that we can beat Rita?!
Opal: well yes but that would require me to make new Power Ranger Morphers from scratch because we can't have 2 of the same exact Power Ranger Morpher in the world, or the world explodes along with this entire timeline. This would also mean that the transformation phrase would be different, the Power Ranger team name would be different, etc.
Ignia: so what you're saying is, we have to assemble a whole new team of Power Rangers?
Opal: in a nutshell, yes. I also won't be able to delete the Morphers from existence after creating them so whoever uses it is part of the new Power Rangers team until the end of time.
Ignia: that sounds fun!
Me: Ignia, do you understand how big of a responsibility that is?! If some sort of villain attacks, you'll have to fight it whether you die or not!
Ignia: ... I'm having second thoughts...
Althea: but doing that is the only way to beat Rita!
Me: who said that only the Power Rangers could beat Rita?!
Althea: Power Rangers logic
Me: how many Power Rangers episodes have you watched?!
Althea: 2,000