In terms of competitive use, its actually a spectacular team in gen 7 meta. Vikavolt and Decidueye really hold back the team due to their speed stats, however that can be remedied well with Blaziken’s speed boost and baton pass. Slowbrow would be your best bet for mega evolution, since garchomp would use Life Orb better and Mega Blaziken does everything regular Blaziken does but worse. Mega Slowbro isnt bad by any means, but Mega Metagross or Mega Lucario would be a much better alternative. Because blaziken is on the team, this is likely a restricted format, which means that a lack of Restricted Legends is a massive drawback, so replacing the Vikavolt with a Zekrom or Tapu Koko would be a massive improvement. Aegislash is one of the best pokemon in that meta, especially with helping hand, heal pulse mega Slowbro. Overall, an 8.5/10 team competitively.
In terms of how much i like the team, its an 11/10. I love all these pokemon.