Hoplash’s bubble form and Absorbyss were able to protect the forest from the rift monsters. The beasts came in waves, but were wiped out repeatedly by the powerful duo (actually, each wasn’t aware that the other was fighting), who were some of the strongest beings in the Nexus.
Meanwhile, Coaliz had created a campfire and was roasting marshmallows.
“They won’t need me,” he reasoned.
Also, for some reason, a bird was throwing combustible lemons at monsters because yes.
Soon, the monsters’ numbers dwindled, for the rift had closed, sealing away all the monsters remaining in exo space (hope that was canonically correct).
Hoplash reverted to his normal form.
“Woah, what was that?! I felt so powerful, but I could barely control my body..”
Hoplash wondered what he had just done, and thought maybe he wasn’t normal, but couldn’t figure out WHAT he was.
Absorbyss fell to the ground exhausted from sending so many things to his pocket dimension (yes, doing that expends great amounts of energy, especially if they do it naturally.)
Coaliz was still roasting marshmallows, although a cooked bird carrying lemons had dropped out of the sky, which would make a great dinner.
End of rift story.