Bingustan was founded by Vladimir Bingus in 2010, when The Red Spring happened. At first, things we're going good, food was much cheaper, the economy was doing well and the population was happy. However, a huge ethnical divide was present, where Soggas we're more dominant. Bingus was not happy with this divide, however he could not do much. That was until, he realized his power. He could do basically whatever he wanted. He got an idea, which he presented to communist party officials Bingufication (read page for details). They widely accepted the idea.
Bingus made Bingufication mandatory for any non-bingus citizen in Bingustan, executing those who refused to be binguficated. Over 26 million people have been killed from the genocide holodomor famine. Many people have also been abused in concetration camps.
The government conctacted multiple propaganda artists to make propaganda, mainly used in state-sponsored TV channels, shops (It was mandatory to put up a poster on the window.) and concetration camps. Bingustan from here was getting downhill.