Kazuo Singh:
you were the man who got my apprentice started on the right path. I am forever grateful for that. Arianna Dorado:
you taught me everything I knew, and I will always remember it. Trevor Davids:
you are my best friend, and I'm glad that you were the one who always stuck by me and supported me. Captain Shade:
I was right about you. You always were capable of being good. And all you did was make one choice. Murk:
you are living proof that the Dirkalfs' violent past doesn't have to define their present. By caring for Bianca, your future wife, you started something revolutionary. My dear son Jonathan:
you are the one I will always cherish. More than power, more than wealth, and more than anything in the Multiverse. Last, but certainly not least, Bianca Sanchez:
I've taught you everything I know. How to fight and defend yourself. But I've also taught you to view others as more important than yourself. And that is what I want to be on your mind when we head into battle tomorrow. My dearest Jessica:
you mean so, so much to me. You've been a great wife, a great mother, a great leader, and above all, a great friend. Even if we all die in the battle tomorrow, I just want you to remember how much I care for all of you guys. Thank you for everything you've done for me.