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Tribe reunion moment

563 views 7 upvotes Made by TheBestntUserEver 2 years ago in Role_Play
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(which oc do I use?)
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(Any, do you want me to introduce the prompt first? Or do you want me to start from Maple’s party pov? I’m assuming you want to use Bloodworm?)
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(ye I would like to use bloodworm so I guess maples party POV)
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(Ight I’ll do the start with Ivy with Mirage arriving and switch to Maple’s POV for the beginning)

Ivy and Mirage were traveling west following the prophecy. They ended up meeting the refugees because they left later than she wanted too. She didn’t realize silkwings would be here too.. oh well. She also never got back in time to report on the continent like she wanted to.. not that her tribe would let her anyways.

Mirage tried to be reassuring, “don’t worry Ivy, I’m sure they’ll let you speak to them.”

“Have you gone blind? Look at me. I’m the very thing the hate. Being a hybrid makes it worse!”

“Judging by your orangish scales, I think that’s a Hivewing down there wearing glasses.. maybe try talking to her.”

“What are you talking about?” She then saw the Hivewing. “I didn’t think they would bring one with them.”

“Maybe they’ve changed. Come on, let’s land. We need to figure out what’s going on anyways.”

The two dragons land and begin to approach on foot. “What’s your tribe like?”

“Depends on who you ask, we’re split into two groups.” Ivy was hoping maybe they wouldn’t notice her. A few leafwings began walking away as soon as they saw her. Doesn’t matter, as long as she ask’s any dragon what’s going on, they’ll probably answer.

Jade: I hope these dragons are able to help us.

Sumac: ha, I would appreciate a few armies, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see if they will.
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Bloodworm- I can't wait to meet them!
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Autumn: same, I wonder what it’s like to live on this continent!

Jade: just think of how many different cultures there are depending on what towns you’re in and what tribe territory you are in.

Maple: unfortunately that isn’t why we’re here.

Jade: I know, just trying to look at the positive side.
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Bloodworm- yeah at least there is something positive!
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Jade: I wonder what it’s going to be like outside of the desert.

Maple: I guess that depends on where we go, right Sumac? Sumac? *she looked around*

*Sumac had darted away*


Ivy was walking through the crowd of dragons who wouldn’t talk to her when she spotted a few silkwings. At least she could ask what was going on. She started walking towards them but pain was exploded on her left and she went down to the ground. Everything was distorted for a second. A leafwing was shouting at her while holding her neck down. She realized it was Sumac, the little runt who spread the rumor that she killed her mother. Amazingly no one was looking at this spectacle.

She could hear again now. Suddenly it became clear to her why this dragon was screaming at her.

“What are you doing here?!”

He was nearly choking her, so it was hard to answer, luckily Mirage pushed him off and held him back.

“Looks like someone’s glad to see you.”

Ivy shook her head. “Yeah, you could say I knew him.”

“Let me go!”

He helped Ivy up while also holding Sumac, who was trying to shake Mirage’s grip away so he could attack again.

Maple: huh. *She she saw Sumac being held back by a big yellow dragon and immediately ran to help him*
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Bloodworm- hmmm...*follows maple with curiosity*
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??????: what happened between you and him?

???: a lot of things.

Maple: PUT HIM DOWN! *she prepared to attack. The sandwing’s barbed tail reminded her of a hivewing. She finally saw why Sumac ran away.* [of course, the dragonet that got caught and betrayed her mother. How did she end up here? She wouldn’t have even known what was going on.] what the-

??????: More of your friends?

???: not a good time Mirage.
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Bloodworm- what's going on?
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Maple: hello traitor… surprised I’m seeing you here.

???: I’m not a traitor! Sumac had me exiled for no reason! *all three leafwings looked ready to kill each other, though the hybrid was hesitant to even fight. She backed up to show she wasn’t a threat*

Mirage: Ivy, what is she talking about?

Maple: Ivy, who is your Hivewing friend?

Mirage: I’m not a Hivewing? *looks like Ivy already told him what her tribe was going through*

Jade: what is going on?
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Bloodworm- EVERYONE HOLD IT! *Stands in-between everyone*
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*you just stepped between an angry leafwing and a confused sandwing holding another angry leafwing. The sandwing was larger, he was older than Maple His tail was threatening to swing back at Maple if she dared step closer. Maple was prepared to kill him to safe Sumac, and then possibly hurt Ivy for defending this strange dragon*

Autumn: I think he’s right, we need to calm down. Who is she and why did you attack her?

Sumac: she betrayed our tribe! She killed her mother while out on a mission and almost got me killed while I was training her.

Ivy: none of that is true! My mother and I got caught scouting out Yellowjacket hive! We managed to get back to one of the caves and they followed us! She told me to run. *she was practically sobbing now* I never saw her again.. I waited for days! Next thing I know, I returned to the camp to report, and after the report, Sumac accuses me of killing my mother. You will never know what pain I have gone through! They made you watch me for two months, you kept lying to everyone else on how I almost killed you every time we went out on assignments! Remember I saved you from that Hivewing expedition because you were stupid enough to not listen to me when I told you to stop, all because I was half Hivewing and “I couldn’t give helpful advice?”

Sumac: you used me as bait you dirty— *he looked at Autumn and stopped himself, his rage was boiling over* you used me as bait to draw them out! I know you did, and I know you killed your mother and your making up events to shift blame from you!

Mirage: I think Sumac definitely needs to calm down.

It just occurred to Maple she had never been on an assignment with Ivy. Sumac would always take her place to “protect” her. He volunteered for other dragons too but not as much as her. She actually didn’t know Ivy all that well. Had Sumac been lying to her this whole time? What did he have to gain from this? Why did he violently hate Ivy?
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Bloodworm- ok everyone just calm down... I believe Ivy is correct but that is just an all just need to think logically.
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(Just realize Mirage wouldn’t know Sumac’s name, my bad)

Jade: I think he’s right, not that I trust what either of them are saying right now.. but I think we all need to calm down. *putting a talon on Maple to calm her, it actually seemed to work as Maple relaxed* Besides, we need all of the allies we can get right now.

*Ivy was crying too much to respond. Maple began to feel bad for how Sumac was treating her, but she couldn’t trust Ivy right now either. She had been exiled for years because of what Sumac told everyone.*

Maple: [I never really believed Sumac until Ivy finally snapped one day.. though he was harassing her that day as well.] *she looks at Sumac and back at Ivy, she takes a step forward towards Sumac* Sumac, let’s calm down and think this through. *she then noticed Ivy’s injury. It was more than just a tackle. Several cuts could be found along her side, she was bleeding* We might need to talk about your excessive use of force as well.

Sumac: oh I was being— *he stopped as Mirage’s grip was tightening, he looked over at Maple who stared at him coldly. Her stare looked like it would kill anyone who looked at her*

*Ivy was still hiding behind Mirage, tears were flowing down the side of her face from remembering her mother*

Sumac: .. alright… I’ll calm down.

Mirage: *letting go of him* I’m keeping my on you two. And before you get any ideas, *he pulled out a gold dagger and held it just under his throat* get anywhere near Ivy like that again and I’ll give you a reason to avoid the Scorpion Den, got it?

*Sumac nodded, he looked scared now*

Mirage: good. *he sheathed the dagger, Sumac ran back to Maple*
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Bloodworm- ok so is everyone calm?
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Jade: I guess..

*Mirage and Ivy began walking away but Maple runs towards them*

Maple: wait!

*they both turn around*

Maple: .. erm… in the nicest way possible, I’m sorry if it sounds rude. But how did you get here? I didn’t see you in the group.

*Ivy and Mirage look at each other before Ivy answers*

Ivy: it’s a long and complicated story none of you would believe anyways. *they both begin to walk away again but Ivy turns around* Why is the rest of the tribe here? I planned to scout out the continent and tell the Sapwings about it.

Maple: Sundew stole the Book of Clearsight with help. If you’re wondering about the silkwing group, out of nowhere a ton of silkwings joined us. But what happened was Queen Wasp gathered an army and prepared to just kill everyone in the jungle to get the book back. Someone mentioned they had a plan to burn the breath of evil and hopefully the other dragons would be cured from it and we wouldn’t have to fight. But no, instead, half our tribe is now under the control of Wasp and some “othermind” thing. Side note: We learned that Clearsight’s last prediction was about the trees disappearing. No mention of war.

*Ivy looks in the direction of the ocean, West*

Ivy: I’m going back there. *she nearly leaps into the sky but Mirage stops her*

*the conversations around you made it hard to hear the last part*

Mirage: hold it! We don’t have a plan. Besides, how are we getting there when you arrived here on an iceberg?

Maple: I’m sorry, what?

Ivy: again, long story you wouldn’t believe.
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Bloodworm- three moons! You guys are all so tense and angry at each other...
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Sumac: ugh.. that dragon’s a traitor to my tribe. She nearly gave all of us up. When she came back without her mother, we all thought she killed her on the mission. Or the Hivewing part of her did. Before she was banished, she nearly got me killed, and I don’t think that was an accident.

Autumn: are you sure? Something about both of your stories doesn’t seem right.

*Maple came back, allowing Mirage and Ivy to leave and find another group to see if they could get more details on what’s going on*

Maple: she’s definitely changed, either that or someone is lying to me. *she glared at Sumac, she never liked him, but this would give her a reason not to trust him*

Sumac: how could I be lying?

Maple: we’ll talk about this later. *she took a deep breath, she was beginning to rethink about what happened to Ivy. Was she a terrible dragon? Or was it just bad luck?* Alright, if we’re going to act like that to our own, what tribe is going to help us?

Jade: no one.

Maple: exactly, I shouldn’t be talking since I was ready to fight Ivy as well. I’m going to apologize to Ivy, I’ll be right back. *Maple ran off to find Ivy and Mirage. It wasn’t really just apologizing to Ivy, she wanted to hear her side of the story.*

Jade: hey, wait, maybe we should.. leave them alone for now. *Maple was now gone*

Autumn: .. were you an Ivy always like that?

Sumac: pretty much. I’ve been raised to never trust a Hivewing and that all hivewings are evil. Most of us have. That’s why I never trusted you or Bloodworm until the day we arrived here. Naturally, I hated Ivy. I never trusted her with anything and I’ve been making sure she doesn’t try to betray any other leafwing. We banished her as a punishment for killing her mother.

Autumn: Sumac! That’s horrible!

Sumac: it was normal for us, we thought she just betrayed her mother and allowed her to get caught.

Jade: what I don’t understand is why you didn’t detain her if you thought that was the case. Couldn’t she have offered to help Wasp?

Sumac: please, they’ll see her as a dishonor to the hivewing tribe. They’ll kill her immediately. Wouldn’t be very smart of the hivewings to do that but that’s what we thought would happen.
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Bloodworm- hmmm interesting...the story of ivy killing her mother seems a little off...not that I trust you it just seems a little weird.
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Sumac: you guys had a war as well?

Mirage: erm.. yeah. It was over who the Sandwing Queen would be, and our Queen isn’t even one of the choices everyone was fighting over now. It started when some scavengers killed Queen Oasis 20 years ago and her three daughters, Burn, Blister, and Blaze couldn’t agree on who would be queen, because all of them wanted to be queen. All of the other tribes jumped in both from being offered territory and treasure and the mudwings out of fear they would be forced to enter the war. In the end, none of them became Queen and now we have Queen Thorn. From the three former Royal sisters, only Blaze is alive.

Jade: wait, so the whole continent was at war?

Mirage: everyone except for the nightwings and rainwings, who both got involved at the end of the war. When I say that, I mean literally the last few weeks of it.
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Bloodworm- wow interesting
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Mirage: yeah, someone could probably explain it better than I can, but I’m glad we have a better queen now.

Maple: so it’s unlikely you all can help us?

Mirage: we’ll have to see. We came to see what’s going on.

(Sorry if I do not respond. I’m on a class trip and I will not have access to imgflip until next Monday again. Again, I am sorry if I do not respond)
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Bloodworm- ok then.
(Cool tell me what it was like once you come back)
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Sumac: nearly taken over by a mad queen hungry for power, threatened by drowning in the sea, then some white dragons nearly kill us. All that to for nothing huh?

Mirage: OHHH you flew into icewing territory first. Heard their queen recently changed as well. Don’t worry. I’m sure it was a mistake or communication error.

Ivy: yeah, did you guys fly off course?

Maple: we wouldn’t know. Those seawings or whatever they called themselves looked worried once we entered their territory though.

Mirage: for good reason. Look, it’s probably because the queens recently changed and they’re worried about their territory.

Autumn: that landscape?? Three moons, what dragon would want that?

Mirage: the Icewings are used to it, they think it’s paradise and perfect. Most dragons couldn’t live up there though.
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Bloodworm- really? What's it like? Is it freezing?
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Mirage: you guys landed there first right? It’s cold, very cold.
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Bloodworm- huh interesting...
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Ivy: you should have seen snow and ice everywhere.

Maple; we did. And we were greeted with an army.

Sumac: that other Hivewing made their queen angry when she mentioned hivewings were descendants from Clearsight.

Mirage: oh, that’s why she thought you were a threat. Clearsight is a Nightwing, and it’s worse since she used to be with Darkstalker until he was stopped in her time. Clearsight actually helped deal with him in her time. The Icewings and nightwings have hated each other ever since the nightwings “stole” the icewing’s animus magic. Darkstalker was part of the issue between the two tribes. Hearing that hivewings were descendants of Clearsight would have made them want to kill you all.

Maple: Queen Snowfall was it? She ended up letting us go as long as we immediately left the kingdom.

Mirage: I’m surprised, though I think that’s something Queen Glacier would have done.

Jade: who is Queen Glacier?

Mirage: Snowfall’s mother. She died because Darkstalker came back and used his magic to create a plague that affected all Icewings. He intended to kill off the whole tribe.

Autumn: that’s horrible!

Ivy: yeah, Pyhrria’s had its fair share of problems.

Mirage: we’ll figure something out. The new prophecy mentions all tribes have to work together to stop something else now.

Sumac: *sarcastic tone* wonderful…
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Bloodworm- yeah the breath of evil
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Mirage: what’s the breath of evil?

Ivy: it’s a strange plant that can control the living creatures that eat it. Usually to disperse seeds, most living creatures don’t stop for anything until they die from exhaustion, dehydration, or hunger.

*Sumac, Jade, and Autumn look astonished that Ivy knew what it was*

Mirage: is it—

Ivy: only on Pantala? Only as long as no one has a seed or part of the plant. And why are you guys staring at me like that? Sumac you’ve always known.

Sumac: I’m surprised you knew.

Mirage: I have a theory, is queen wasp using them?

Maple: probably.

Mirage: great.. three moons that plant sounds worse than the dragon eating plants you’ve been telling me about.

Ivy: it is worse, the other plants you can be saved from. But the breath of evil? May the trees help you if you were unfortunate to get infected.
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Bloodworm- yeah...we have no idea on how to stop it and we can't figure out how to get rid of it.
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Mirage: so besides your jungle, and this Wasp dragon, how’s the continent?

Autumn: the hives could be better if the silkwings weren’t enslaved and forced to do the work in the cities.

Jade: I guess it comes with some benefits, we don’t get drafted and they don’t trust us in the military, so I guess the only way we’re dying is civilian casualties or we join the chrysalis.

Ivy: what’s the chrysalis?

Jade: it’s sort of like a rebel group for silkwings in all of the hives, though they’re different depending on the hives. Jewel hive isn’t strict, in fact our lady regularly gets threatened by Wasp to get her act together, so there isn’t a big push to kill hivewings or do anything detrimental to that hive. Now take Bloodworm hive, more strict than the capital, and you have a lot more silkwings willing to fight and steal from the hivewings. Huge occurrences are still rare but at least it’s something. The lady there is much more harsh in punishments, they barely even let me go.

Autumn: yeah, they forced me to stay behind. My family got out though. Still jealous Jade but I’m glad they chose you to go.

Ivy: so if we get Jewel hive to be sympathetic…

Maple: the lady might already be sympathetic. The problem is the mind control, we don’t know how to deal with it.
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Bloodworm- yeah...I wish this all didn't happen...the mind control bit
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Ivy: … it’s a bit weird how Queen Wasp is the first Hivewing to have mind control over her tribes, yet coincidentally it started near the beginning of the tree wars.. what happened?

Maple: not sure if it’s a mutation or if it’s something else, but a friend theorized it was the breath of evil.

Jade: … what if she ate the plant, but instead of the plant controlling her, she was able to use the plant to control other dragons? You know, sort of formed a dependency on it?

Autumn: meaning the only way to stop the mind control is to develop a cure to kill the plant from inside them.

*all of you just stared at the two silkwings for a second*

Maple: that is actually a decent theory… but how would we create a cure?

Mirage: you guys know more than me, but it sounds like you need a chemist to me. We might need a few samples of those plants.

Ivy: or, we can try using leafspeak on an existing plant to make a cure for mind control. Though that’s nearly impossible with the time we have left.

Mirage: leafspeak? Are you sure that would work?

Ivy: no, and even then, I’m not sure we have the time for it. I would need to be even stronger in leafspeak than the strongest leafwing ever I think.

Maple: yeah, I’m not so sure we could make the proposal to Sundew.

Sumac: … there has to be another way. If we can stop the mind control, we have a shot at striking while Wasp is confused.
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Bloodworm- yeah...we need a chemist I'm pretty sure
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Mirage: you’re not going to get a cure unless we have a sample at least anyway. Even then you’ll need a chemist to try to figure out what would kill the plant that wouldn’t a dragon.

Ivy; I don’t see any other options, we would need to know more.

Autumn: we don’t know enough yet. I don’t think we have enough information.. if only Swallowtail was here…
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Bloodworm- yeah...they know a lot about the plant
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Sumac: maybe someone else here knows something.

Ivy: I know I’m not going to just sit here and wait for all of the kingdoms to come together and decide what to do. We need to act swiftly.

Maple: we need support first. There isn’t a way we could face Wasp head on.

Ivy: you wanted support, you’re getting it. Let’s go.

Maple: *chuckles* you haven’t changed much Ivy.

Mirage: Maple’s right, we’ll need more help.

Ivy: argh… I can’t just sit here waiting while our continent is being ravaged by that book forsaken pest. *referring to Queen Wasp*

Maple: just a few more days, we’ll get you home soon..



Swallowtail woke up a little disoriented. He could feel he was being dragged but he needed to regain his bearings. As his vision began to clear up, he noticed he was being dragged by a silkwing, a leafwing was with it, though the leafwing looked much older.

“…I miss her so much. Jade and I were friends at the academy we attended… I just wish I escaped with her.”

“You’ll see her when this is over, I’m sure of it. Me seeing my daughter again? Only if I found my way out of these damn caves.”

“I could help with that.”

Both dragons turned around when swallowtail spoke. The leafwing immediately moved for the kill but Swallowtail put his arms up to block it.

“Stop, I’m a friend!”

“Sure you are.. …wait you’re serious? No wonder why those other hivewings left you for dead.”

The leafwing picked him up.. and set him upright.

“You might as well walk instead of slowing us down.. what’s your name little Hivewing?”


“PFFT” The silkwing almost started laughing, but the leafwing was glaring at him. It didn’t matter, the damage was done, Swallowtail cringed and retreated back into himself. “I’m sorry, I’ve just never heard of a Hivewing with a name like that.”

“It’s.. It’s fine. What are your names?”

The silkwing replied first, “my name’s Skipper.”

“Rose, don’t worry, we’ll get along fine.”

“I could head up to the surface and run food down.”

“Maybe in a few hours, heard there was trouble up there?”

“I think the hivewings invaded the Jungle.”

“You’ll have to tell me more when we get to a safe cavern.”

Swallowtail thought about it. It couldn’t hurt to tell them, right? “Sure.”

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Very cool))
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Sumac: again, at the time we just thought since she was part Hivewing, she might have killed her on purpose.

Jade: that makes no sense.

Autumn: yeah.

Sumac: I’m just telling you what I thought.
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Bloodworm- hmm interesting...
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Sumac: I still think she did. I don’t really trust her.

Jade: doesn’t sound like she did to me.


[I should have known that I would be attacked eventually, they think I betrayed the tribe.]

The memory of her mother telling her to run was vivid. She was fighting two Hivewing Guards at once, and losing. They were in the caves.

“Run, Ivy! You have to get back!”

“I’m not leaving you!”

“You have to! I can’t lose you too!”

The hivewing’s claw was able to cut her left eye, leaving a scar. Ivy broke one of the guard’s necks but another Hivewing took their place, and more were coming.

“You have to report what we found! Go!”

Ivy ran.. she ran through the caves as fast as she could. Numerous times she turned back hoping to see her mother, but she didn’t. Several cave junctions later, she found an entrance into the forest. She ran through the forest with tears building up in her eyes knowing she might not see her mother again. She never did. She gave her report, positions of the sky entrances, how many guards usually patrolled them, but she was distressed the entire time. —


Mirage and Ivy turned around, Mirage’s tail ready to sting Maple if necessary, but Maple shows she isn’t a threat. She realized she wasn’t going to hurt her right now. It was only now Ivy realized she was crying in real life too.

“What do you want Maple?”

“To apologize for what Sumac did just now.. that wasn’t right of him. He hasn’t been happy since I’ve showed up with Autumn as well.”

“… you mean the other hybrid with you?”

Maple nodded. Surely this can’t be all of it.

“There’s something else.. isn’t there. What is it?”

Maple hesitated, unsure of how Ivy would react. It had been so long since they had seen each other, let alone had been friends. They weren’t really friends anymore though.

“I want to hear your side of the story. Everything. I want to know what happened. You know I wasn’t there at the report.. if that’s what that was about.”

There was a long pause. This caught Ivy off guard. She wasn’t really sure how to respond it was good seeing Maple acting like an old friend and not someone who wanted to rip her head off, but even realizing that just brought her more tears

“Maybe another time. But I’ll tell you eventually.”


“Since when have I ever broken those?”

Maple smiled, “well there was this one time…”

“Alright alright, I promise.” Ivy let out a weak smile.
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Bloodworm- well...I hope Ivy is ok...she seemed very sad...
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Jade: yeah. Especially when you brought up her mother.

Autumn: let’s forget about that for now, she’s ok, that’s what’s important. And Sumac’s ok..

Sumac: *he seems to have finally calmed down* grr… what’s taking her so long?

Jade: probably explaining why you attacked Ivy to that large yellow dragon with the stinger on its tail.
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Bloodworm- yeah...she can take all the time she needs cause I'm in no rush.
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Sumac: I’m worried they may have—

Maple: I’m back. *and so were Ivy and Mirage*

Sumac: why are they here?

Maple: because I invited them to join us.

Jade: wow, we’ll get to learn about one of the tribes!

Mirage: I’m really not sure I’m cut out for explaining Sandwing culture…

*the half Hivewing still hid next to Mirage, somewhat startled by Sumac*

Autumn: that’s fine, we want to learn everything we can about the continent.

Mirage: I’m still trying to understand what happened before this. Ivy said that Queen Wasp wanted to completely wipe out your tribe?

Maple: yep.
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Bloodworm- she very much did say that and most certainly tried.
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Maple: pretty much what happened was Queen Wasp wanted complete control of the continent. So she said that the Book of Clearsight stated that she would rule over all of the tribes. The silkwings happily gave up their queen and fully trusted her. We wanted to read the book and confirm that for ourselves. She wouldn’t let us read it and negotiations broke down. She started the tree wars a cut down nearly every tree on the continent and almost wiped out our tribe.

Mirage: three moons, that’s as bad as our war.
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Bloodworm- yeah it isn't a very good war
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