Sumac: ugh.. that dragon’s a traitor to my tribe. She nearly gave all of us up. When she came back without her mother, we all thought she killed her on the mission. Or the Hivewing part of her did. Before she was banished, she nearly got me killed, and I don’t think that was an accident.
Autumn: are you sure? Something about both of your stories doesn’t seem right.
*Maple came back, allowing Mirage and Ivy to leave and find another group to see if they could get more details on what’s going on*
Maple: she’s definitely changed, either that or someone is lying to me. *she glared at Sumac, she never liked him, but this would give her a reason not to trust him*
Sumac: how could I be lying?
Maple: we’ll talk about this later. *she took a deep breath, she was beginning to rethink about what happened to Ivy. Was she a terrible dragon? Or was it just bad luck?* Alright, if we’re going to act like that to our own, what tribe is going to help us?
Jade: no one.
Maple: exactly, I shouldn’t be talking since I was ready to fight Ivy as well. I’m going to apologize to Ivy, I’ll be right back. *Maple ran off to find Ivy and Mirage. It wasn’t really just apologizing to Ivy, she wanted to hear her side of the story.*
Jade: hey, wait, maybe we should.. leave them alone for now. *Maple was now gone*
Autumn: .. were you an Ivy always like that?
Sumac: pretty much. I’ve been raised to never trust a Hivewing and that all hivewings are evil. Most of us have. That’s why I never trusted you or Bloodworm until the day we arrived here. Naturally, I hated Ivy. I never trusted her with anything and I’ve been making sure she doesn’t try to betray any other leafwing. We banished her as a punishment for killing her mother.
Autumn: Sumac! That’s horrible!
Sumac: it was normal for us, we thought she just betrayed her mother and allowed her to get caught.
Jade: what I don’t understand is why you didn’t detain her if you thought that was the case. Couldn’t she have offered to help Wasp?
Sumac: please, they’ll see her as a dishonor to the hivewing tribe. They’ll kill her immediately. Wouldn’t be very smart of the hivewings to do that but that’s what we thought would happen.