I think I'm gonna cry; Not like out of misery but the sheer joy of how happy I am to catch a shiny regular Yamask, ack- I love the precious boi so much! (Caught in Pokemon Go since; 1. I can't afford any games or consoles. 2. I wouldn't trade away or transfer my boi for anything. 3. If I did have a game where I could transfer him over, I still wouldn't. Cause of how special he is). Also I'm using he/him pronouns for the caught shiny Yamask because it's male. Named him Sunny, not because OMORI. Okay, fine. Maybe it's cause of OMORI. But I love him so go***amn much (um, like really like my caught Pokemon. I don't usually say love and get this happy.); By Your Side. (OMORI OST); Actually happy, but wishing one would have an actual shiny Yamask by one's side.