Jade: … and free hivewings like Bloodworm. It’s a good plan for all out destruction and winning over other allies seeking territory here, but if you’re looking for silkwings, destroying their homes without them prepared to leave won’t help. And the hivewings will hate you more if you’re looking for another kingdom coexistence.
Sumac: that’s the thing, we’re trying to inflict the same punishment on them as they have done to us.
Autumn: you were going to kill all of them?
Sumac: by the trees, was it not obvious? You’ve seen what they’ve done to your tribe, and frankly I think they deserve it. That blasted tribe should be wiped out.
*Jade looks at Maple*
Jade: is this true?
Maple: .. yes we were. And half of our tribe vowed to keep fighting, I joined that half thinking it would make a difference, that we would no longer have to live in secret in a dangerous jungle. The other half the tribe, with our queen, wanted to lay low, keep ourselves hidden for when the time was right. See where that got us. That’s why I’m named after a tree while some of the others are named after hazardous plants. Now I don’t think all hivewings are bad, Bloodworm and Swallowtail helped me realize that, but your queen and other hivewings in power have to go. Once they’re gone, I believe the hivewings can change for the better, and a semi-peaceful relationship can be restored.
Sumac: I’m not as optimistic as you are, in fact I think we’ll go back to warring with each other. That’s why the whole tribe has to go.
Autumn: what about free hivewings, like bloodworm and the other one you mentioned? What about those who are sympathetic but can’t do anything to help, like Swallowtail? What about hybrids, like me?
Sumac: … to be completely honest, I never considered those groups of dragons until now.