Fellow male human beings. Is it considered bad or abnormal to not want to pull any girls? I don't want to pay for child support, and I don't want constant screaming. I also don't want to make big decisions that could alter others' futures, as I'm far more likely to hurt them than to help them. I also don't want to come home every day to someone greeting me like they're my dad or my little sister. I also don't want to end up hurting someone I love, as I'll likely break down if something like that ever happens. I don't want to risk my entire future to bring two more people into this declining world. I don't want to hear my children cry, or scream, and I don't want to come home one day to find my own children unconscious on the kitchen floor, covered in each other's blood. I don't want to go through more grief than I already have, and I don't want to put someone else through it.
I know that a lot of you won't read any of this, but I thank those who read through the entire thing. I apologize for wasting your time with my stupid question, which I never needed to ask.