Reginald Franklin, better known as The A-Train, or simply Reggie, is a major antagonist in the Amazon series The Boys, serving as the central antagonist of Season 1, and a major antagonist in both Season 2 and Season 3.
He is a speedster who used to be a part of the team known as the Teenage Kix, and is a returning member of The Seven. He inadvertently killed Hughie Campbell's girlfriend, Robin Ward, with his powers while high on Compound V, an action which led to Hughie becoming his archenemy, ultimately leading to him joining The Boys and the events of the show.
A-Train was let go from The Seven, but has since been asked to rejoin, and is the current "fastest man in the world". Underneath the cavalier exterior of a celebrity superhero lies the soul of a mortal athlete, with a deep insecurity about staying at the top. He'll do whatever it takes to remain in The Seven, because he knows it's only a matter of time until a younger, faster challenger takes his place — and that's a problem even the fastest man in the world can't outrun.
Reginald Franklin, better known as The A-Train, or simply Reggie, is a major antagonist in the Amazon series The Boys, serving as the central antagonist of Season 1, and a major antagonist in both Season 2 and Season 3.
He is a speedster who used to be a part of the team known as the Teenage Kix, and is a returning member of The Seven. He inadvertently killed Hughie Campbell's girlfriend, Robin Ward, with his powers while high on Compound V, an action which led to Hughie becoming his archenemy, ultimately leading to him joining The Boys and the events of the show.
A-Train was let go from The Seven, but has since been asked to rejoin, and is the current "fastest man in the world". Underneath the cavalier exterior of a celebrity superhero lies the soul of a mortal athlete, with a deep insecurity about staying at the top. He'll do whatever it takes to remain in The Seven, because he knows it's only a matter of time until a younger, faster challenger takes his place — and that's a problem even the fastest man in the world can't outrun.