Pt. 1
Why do people choose not to believe the Bible? Why do people choose not to believe that Jesus is God, and that He died for their sins and was resurrected? Are people concerned with the evidence for or against the resurrection? Are they concerned with the evidence for the Bible? When I got saved, as with most people, I did not get saved because someone presented me with all the instances where the Bible had been proved right historically, archeologically and scientifically. I did not choose to believe on Jesus because of the probabilities of the empty tomb, medical information about the crucifixion, etc. That is not to say that these cannot be backed up, and in time, long after my salvation, I did learn more about the reliability of the Bible, and the overwhelming proof for the resurrection. The reason I chose to believe on Jesus was because I knew I was a sinner and I needed someone else to save me. So why do people not put their faith in Jesus? Because of sin. They either cannot admit their own guilt, or they do not want to give up their sin. They can rationalize their disbelief all they want with whatever the latest science is, but at the root of it, they are trying to disprove Jesus because they do not want to believe in Jesus. When Jesus spoke to the woman caught in adultery, He did not condemn her, but He did tell her to leave her life of sin (John 8:11). They do not want to believe in Jesus, because if He exists, and if the Bible is true, then they know that He who created them is perfect, and that He has given commands against sinning (Romans 6). John 16:8-9 says, “And when he [the Holy Spirit] is come, he will reprove [convict] the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me;” God convicts you of sin so you can understand the need for your salvation, and the need to believe on Christ. People don’t like this conviction, so they try and justify themselves. They do not want to give up their sin, and so they try and rationalize their disbelief.