As ThunderPug, Gingerbread Man, Goober, Bob, Trollface, Inkmatas, the Collector, Sylceon, Blook, and Gunslinger hop out, Goober hands them all a list of what they need to get. As they come inside, Goober sees a giant plush resembling Eggyhead as the cashier, he dives and tackles the cashier, while Bob and Sylceon join the dogpile. They beat up Eggy and Gingerbread man just looks confused, Trollface is cheering, and Inkmatas runs to help Eggy. Gunslinger goes ahead and starts getting the stuff. The Collecter rummages through the shelves looking for toilet paper. Blook looks around the milk and sees his father. Blook rushes over to reunite, but Blook was just imaging it. Trollface mocks Blook and plays "It's just a burning memory." On a random MP3 player. Blook lunges at Trollface. Sylceon looks for vegetables, but instead of getting celery, she gets Twizzlers. Thunderpug pees on the leg of the Eggyhead plush. Goober finds the meat and cereal and puts it into a basket where Bob is chilling. Gingerbread man clumsy trips over blook and smashes his head on the freezer door.