Now, I wasn't 100% sure what this mushroom was (No ones perfect, right?) So I asked my dad (He is the one that got me interested in fungi) and he said it was Mica cap (Scientific Name: Corprinellus Micaceus) and I did my research on it. The Mica Cap is not very picky about the type of wood it decomposes, which is unusual in the mushroom world. Although it evolved to live in forests, mica caps do well in urban landscapes and are a common sight in gardens and cultivated areas. This mushroom is commonly found in Summer through Fall. The Mica Cap is considered an edible mushroom, although it does not have much flavour. You should collect only specimens that have not yet begun to liquefy. Mica caps must be cooked and eaten almost immediately after collecting as they will begin to deliquesce or dissolve into an inky black spore filled liquid within 1 to 3 hours. Cooking halts the process of auto-digestion (enzymatic process). High in potassium.