DAY 73: WHY DID GOD GIVE US TEN COMMANDMENTS? It’s because God is holy and we are not. The bad news is that the penalty for our unholy behavior is not merely death, but eternal death in hell. However, here’s the good news: If we only acknowledge this and accept Jesus Christ’s forgiveness, we can be saved. But here’s the cosmic dilemma: We don’t want to admit our unholiness, let alone call upon the name of the Lord! So, how is the one and only supernatural, multi-dimensional, infinite, and holy God going to communicate this problem to tiny, finite, and unholy human beings? Well, God uses an external teaching tool called the Ten Commandments, which are not merely a mode of behavior; they exist to show us our need of a Savior. It’s God’s ten-step testing
procedure designed to reveal His holiness and our sinfulness. The ten tests are these: We must have no other God or idols, not use God’s name in vain, not break the Sabbath, and not dishonor our parents. Also, we must not commit murder or adultery or steal, lie, or covet. Since no one but Jesus was—or is—able to pass all those tests, we need a Savior who is Jesus Christ. And if we are ever going to get our society back on track, we have to remember the purpose of the Ten Commandments. Why? Because no external law can change man’s internal heart. And this is what our world has totally forgotten! What we need is God, and He has been trying to remind us with the Ten Commandments.
The reason our nation is going to hell is because
we are telling God to do the same. How? By
trying to get rid of His Ten Commandments.