A further explanation on Current, it's basically a life-force magic in Nolan's home universe, it makes up everything, not just living beings. One of The Boss's other minions can create portals to other worlds, which Nolan has been allowed to use for exploring the multiverse, he found that different universes have many different ways of manifesting their life energy.
To quote Nolan on his discoveries:
"I have seen many worlds, I found that all of them have their own way of manifesting their life-blood, it comes in many forms and is known by many names, Current, Spirit, Aura, Ki, Chi, Hamon, Mojo, The Vortessence, The Force, Mana. All the same, only in different forms, fascinatingly multiple forms can exist in the same world, I'm here, in your world Colt, here you call it 'Aura' don't you? It doesn't interfere with my power, from Dr. Louis's studies we find that one can draw in the native energy of a universe and make it their own, the keyboard draws in aura, and it becomes Current."
In Nolan's universe ancient Current users were witch hunted, and eventually eradicated for fear that they surpass all other magic types in the world, and they very well could have, current in it's most raw form is like a plasma, however it can be shaped into anything the user desires, barriers, platforms, weapons, solid wires that tie opponents, gas forms that can be very deadly in the wind, liquid that burns almost any material, the possibilities seem endless. Current users can also run it through their bloodstream to enhance physical capabilities and with an ability called C-Mend use Current to restore any 'damaged' object to it's original state as Current is basically the makeup of all matter, it can be used to fix something which varies in accuracy depending on how much of the original material is available nearby.