below this you will find what I like to call "I am either on crack, or this is taken far out of context" comments made by yours truly; "is south korea an option?"; "why is he scared?"; "Just stab him in the eye at that point"; "Danny Depizza"; "DA BABY BUNNY IN THE CART AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; "F L U F F Y B O I"; "well.... this is cool.. or creepy..."; "I'll just take these and be on my way"; "it looks like he was grabbed by a big hand"; "Da dadadadadada"; "Oh hey! I forgot about you, sorry"; "Man looks heart broken, or just depressed"; "Mega loudencer"; "Ah, yes, the banana, the most famous form of measurement"; "sans" *megalovania starts playing*; "Beeeeeeg boiiii"