Yeah... I didn't understand either, which is why my friend taught me at a sleep over while all the other mentally sound people were asleep 😂😂😭. Its umm sort of like just scratch it on your skin one way around the same place but like not on the same line then go the other side on that area and scratch the other side, so sot of like a checker board like thing but much more lines and repeat (they don't have to be exactly a board or square, better if not), it will draw blood eventually. I like it because its a process and since people found out about me cutting with razors these look like more natural cuts because the shape is different 10/10 looks like I fell, no joke looks legit. So but like don't take time with the scratching each one, or make it too deep, its not needed just scratch fast and go over the same place, as much as I said checker board you should really be aiming to go over the same spot more but NOT REPEATEDLY.