As much as normally I wait for Halloween to change my username. I want this username change to hopefully be permanent. I'm the same person, I mean...Why would I not be? So...In OMORI terms. One day left. And no, I'm not moving anywhere. I'm changing my username because I feel like it, the significance of why the 4th of February is because...Now brace yourselves for this information. Its because I'm not waiting for Halloween to do it, and the 4th of February is my dad's birthday (yes, my dickhead father. I know) so...Suprise! Now y'all know the significance of why I'm doing this. Then again...I really need to get him a gift (dickhead or not, he's still my dad. Even though, he is So welp. That's it. I'll be on a little that day but...The rest of the day, nah.