Alright so first things first his real name is Jonas Krex, he used to be a bank manager, and his birthday is Halloween of 1975. His assistant Cole is probably important but I haven’t quite finished figuring out what’s going on in darkuun lore so he also might not be. TLDR Cole and him were best friends. His car was absolutely bonked by a bus in 2010 and he kicked the bucket due to that. He went to heaven, met a nice woman and married her, only to realize she was cheating on him the entire time. So in 2036, stabby stabby went his favorite knife into his ex wife. He decided right then and there he was done with women. He went to hell and was assigned manager of the Lazarus division in hell. Before he went to work at his new job however, he was allowed to choose a demon name and a new look to go with said name, and here we are in 2042, darkuun has been working as the manager of the Lazarus division in hell for 6 years.