Three robed figures approach, each with different colored robes.
The first is garbed in black, laced with gold and adorned with fiery red crystals.
The second is garbed in white, laced with silver and adorned with icy blue crystals.
And the third is garbed in purple, laced with bronze and adorned with pale yellow crystals.
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Gunslinger: hello, I’m assuming your here to have us join an order?
The figures nod in unison. They proceed to speak in- you guessed it- unison.
"The choice is yours. The Order of the Sun, the Order of the Moon, or the Order of the Stars."
1 up, 2y,
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X-247: Well?
Gunslinger: we’ll go with the order of the moon.
"That is true, but the sun of our system holds a... unique place among the stars. But that is a topic for another day. For now, come with me."
The figure opens a portal and steps through it.
Three robed figures approach, each with different colored robes.
The first is garbed in black, laced with gold and adorned with fiery red crystals.
The second is garbed in white, laced with silver and adorned with icy blue crystals.
And the third is garbed in purple, laced with bronze and adorned with pale yellow crystals.
[]Kutō sighed as he leaned against his beloved microphone, one arm cradling an impressive guitar as his keen eyes focused on the window offering a look outside. The world looked dark, in the most literal way possible. Normally, the Eclipse couldn't dampen his spirits too much, but today seemed different. Kutō was sure that something was going to happen today, he just forgot what.[]
"The people of today place little faith in the stars. They would rather trust the sun and moon, for they are directly connected to the problem that is the Eclipse."
[]Kutō shrugged, finally tearing his gaze away from the window.[] "Focus too much on the main issue and you lose the small details," []He said after a beat of silence,[] "Y'know, the stars could be equally as important to the Eclipse as the sun and moon are."
The portal leads to the top of what seems to be a massive tower, tall enough to pierce multiple layers of the atmosphere. Three large statues sit atop the tower- one of the sun, one of the moon, and a much larger one depicting a dragon of sorts.
[]Kutō stared at the tower for a good moment or two. His gaze fell on the three statues, focusing on the dragon in particular. Confused, he turned to the robed figures.[] "Shouldn't the statue of the stars, I dunno, look more like a star? I don't think I've seen that dragon anywhere before either..."
"Hm," []Kutō's attention turned back to the tower. Tentatively, he took a step closer to the building.[] "I wouldn't have known. Hah, mythology ain't my strong suit."
" is said that the dragon is a devourer of starlight, consuming the suns of worlds which it deems condemned by greed and lust for power. It is also said that it wields the strength of both the sun and the moon, and because of this ancient peoples believed it to be the source of eclipses, using them as a warning of its ability to destroy the sun."
"So, he wants to give us a chance," []Kutō mused, tapping his fingers against his arm,[] "But, y'know, it's pretty hard to just get rid of greed n' lust. Those things are old sins."
"...Well, if I had all the time in the universe, waiting for people to change wouldn't bother me." []The beast-type sighed, letting his arms fall back to his sides. He stared at the front of the temple.[]
For a moment, it almost seems as if the eyes of the statue are glowing. Nobody else seems to notice it, though, so it was probably just a trick of the light... right?
"Huh?" []Kutō blinked at the eyes of the statue, turning to the robed figure. It didn't seem like the robed figure noticed. Kutō wondered if he should mention it. The beast-type shook his head.[]
Three robed figures approach, each with different colored robes.
The first is garbed in black, laced with gold and adorned with fiery red crystals.
The second is garbed in white, laced with silver and adorned with icy blue crystals.
And the third is garbed in purple, laced with bronze and adorned with pale yellow crystals.
[]Kutō's ears perked up at the sound, turning around to face the three robed figures. Although he tried to hide his surprise, Kutō's eyes widened slightly.[] "Right," []He said, more to himself than to the three robed figures,[] "That's what I forgot was today."
[]Kutō looked outside his window again, then back at the three figures.[] "Decision day, huh?" []He looked at his microphone and guitar with a rueful look. He'd have to put those in the garage before he left.[]
[]Right, Kutō thought to himself, three celestial bodies. The sun? Kutō glanced at the window. Hiding. The moon? Hiding something. The stars? At night, he could see them. Clear, bright... not hidden.[] "...I chose the Order of the stars."
Long ago, the moon of Zatmeniye moved in front of the sun, and ceased to orbit. The Final Eclipse, as it is called, has lasted for decades, with no one sure why it happened or if it will ever end. The world has divided itself into three groups, known as Orders, over the years, and everyone is forced to become part of an Order when they come of age. And that day has just arrived for you...