Pov: Imgflip Users; TMDF (Racist, Says the f word to users, and me, Ships Falec And MrDweller Fan); AlecFromFalec (Ships Falec); IAbuseAntiAnimePenguins (Hates Penguins); ScribbleDemon (Posts Blood, and likes to kill ribbon); The_Flan_Clan (Supports ScribbleDemon); Memehaha123 (Krew Hater, Supports TMDF); TheGroundingCountriesFan (Supports Tmdf And A Grounding Country fan); Any Falec Shippers; Smezo (He Said that my ItsFunneh Becoming Angry Extended was cringe as hell.); BigFatCockaDoodleDoo (Hates Krew); TheMrDwellerFanReTurns (Same TMDF); Any Krew Haters; Any User That Quitted; lekayna2023 (Commented ItsFunneh Stinks); Any Japan Haters; Any Sonic Haters; JrWilbert (Hates ItsFunneh); DaBooglu (Posts P*rn); 30% my haters; 5% my haters; 3% my haters; Oldest Justahappytrollonimgflip3 (I dont hate him, he doesn’t like my krew posts); MrIncredibleTemplater (Quitted); MisterDweller (MrDweller Fan); MSMG Users (doesn’t allow me to post cuz im 13); Any Among Us Hater; 20% Krew Haters; 10% Krew Haters; 5% Krew Hater; MichaelMasi Old Version Of JustasadtrollonImgflip3 (Supports TMDF and MrDweller Fan); RandomnessChristmas_Offical (Hates All Youtubers expect kracc bacc); new users that dont post; Old users that dont post anymore; DragonOfTheLostKingdom (likes ppg); Any Users that has most upvotes; Numberblocksisbest1 (im ok to him); JustACheemsDoge (Reached 1 million points and SVTFOE Fan); NoUBlacksmith (No U card maker); Justahappytrollonimgflip3 Now (Makes longest templates of Mr Incredible); JustAImgflipUser (Good user); My followers; Mruncannyandcanny (same copycatdude and roasts clowns); JustAWinterFirey (Same Funtime Foxy); Iceu. (most famous user); Who_am_i (same with Iceu. But he quitted 😭); Me (Krew Fam, Roasts Clowns, Hates MrClown And Hates Falec)