There are two genders and 3 sexualities. Unless someone can show me physical proof that there’s more rather than just saying there’s more genders and sexualities, then you can’t change my mind. Gay and lesbian are the same thing, so there’s no need to make lesbian it’s own sexuality. Trans is not a gender, that’s just a term used that means transitioning your gender to the opposite gender. So in other words, you’re only switching between the two different genders. Your pronouns are he/him or she/her. There is no they/them, because if there were, who’s the other person you’re referring to, hm? And another thing: who gives a shit if someone misgenders you? “When my parents misgendered me, it was like a knife in my heart.” Oh boo hoo, let me play a sad song on the world’s smallest violin. Notice how nobody is gonna care, and if anyone does get offended by what I have said here, then that’s your fault for not realizing the truth and getting immediately offended by what I have to say. Thank you for your time, and if someone deletes this message, then I will put it back up again because I do have this copied.